Are you wondering if your male friend has feelings for you or he just sees you as a platonic friend? Will he ever date you? Are you being too hopeful that he likes you or you are ignoring warning signs he only sees you as a friend?
It can really be painful to see the guy you love telling you about a woman he likes, and sadly that woman is not you.
You wonder if he will notice you one day and realize that the right woman has always been right under his nose.
There are many people with beautiful stories of how they eventually got married to the guy who had friendzoned them, but there are also many others who were not as lucky.
Table of Contents
- Signs he only sees you as a friend
- Signs he only sees you as a friend through text
- Signs he sees you as someone special
- What to do when he only sees you as a friend?
Signs he only sees you as a friend
1. He checks out other women whilst with you
When a man has feelings for you, he will not be comfortable eyeing another woman in your presence.
But if he is comfortable flirting with other women in your presence, it is a clear sign he only sees you as a friend or he is just a womanizer.
Read more: 25 Warning signs he never loved you
2. The conversations he has with you are similar to those he has with his guy friends
Guys talk to each other about the women they like, the women they are pursuing, the lady who turns them on, and even who they have slept with.
If a guy is comfortable having such conversations with you, you have clearly been friend-zoned. He has no romantic interest in you because a man cannot have such talks with a woman he likes or is romantically involved with.
3. He comes to you for dating and relationship advice
When a guy has feelings for you, he will never come to you for relationship advice, he will go to his other friends.
If he comes to you when he wants tips on how to impress his crush, then know that you are not that crush.
Or if he asks you for tips on how to apologize to his girlfriend, or which gift to buy her for her birthday or Valentine’s day, it is a sign he only sees you as a friend.
If he needs pointers from you on how he to win back his ex, know that you do not stand a chance with him. You are just in the same category as his guy friends.
4. He has introduced you to his girlfriend
If a guy introduces you to his girlfriend and tells her that you are his friend, then that is what you are.
He is trying to tell his girl that you are harmless because he has zero feelings for you.
When a guy likes you, he will not want you to know that he is in a relationship.
5. He does not use a sweet pet name when he calls you
When a guy only sees you as a friend, he will not call you by any sweet pet names. He will call you with names he normally uses on his friends like dude, bro, or your name or last name.
If a guy is romantically interested in you, he will call you names like babe, baby, sweetheart, sweety, love, beautiful, gorgeous, etc.
6. He does not flirt with you
When a guy only sees you as a friend, he will not make any flirtatious advances on you. He won’t even try to steal a kiss with you or even flirt with you in his drunk state.
It is easy to mistake his behavior as a sign of a guy who is respectful because you know he will never take advantage of you sexually, but that is because he is not interested in you. He sees you as one of the guys.
Even when you try to make a move on him, he just blows you off and acts as if he did not see what you were trying to do.
If these zero attraction signs are vivid in your friendship, it is signs he only sees you as a friend.
7. He hardly initiates contact
How often does your friend text and call you? If he only calls you because he is returning your call or he needs a favour from you, it is a sign he only sees you as a friend.
When a guy likes you more than a friend, he will check up on you often, and he will mostly be the first one to initiate contact.
If you are excited when you receive a call or text from him because you know it only comes once in a while, then it is a sign you are not his special person.
8. He shows you that he is dating other people
If he is open to you about the woman or women that he is dating, then you should be worried. Or if he even shows you her picture, or post her on social media, it is a sign he is not into you.
He may even tell you their plans for the weekend or future, which is a sure sign he only sees you as a friend.
9. He’s tried to set you up with other people
If some guys who are interested in you ask him for your numbers, he gladly gives them. He is not protective or jealous when it comes to you.
He has tried to set you up with his friends, colleagues, relatives because he also wants you to find love.
He’s also been encouraging you to date other people.
When it feels like he is selling you to other people, it is a sign he only sees you as a friend.
If a guy likes you more than a friend he will be protective of you and not be happy when you are giving other men attention.
But in this case, he will be very happy to know you are dating or going on a date. He will even give you tips on how to keep a man or win him over.
10. He is way too comfortable around you
When a guy only sees you as a friend, he will not care what you think of him because he is not trying to impress you.
He will talk anyhow, dress anyhow, fart in front of you and even expose his bad habits.
While if a guy likes you more than a friend, he will be mindful of the things he does or says around you.
11. He does not notice the smaller details about you
When a guy likes you more than a friend, he will pay close attention to you. He will even maintain eye contact when talking to you. He will notice if something has changed in your image and compliment you.
But if he only sees you as a friend, he will not notice when you are dressed beautifully, or even if you have changed your hair.
When he is with you he will not maintain eye contact and neither does he pay much attention to what you are saying. He is probably on his phone chatting or checking out the woman he likes. That is why it is easy for him to miss these finer details about you.
12. You are not up to date with what is happening in his life
When a guy likes you more than a friend, you become his first point of contact. He calls you first when he is celebrating, crying, or even when he has to make a decision.
If after he has bought a car, you only find out weeks later, or he gets a job and you are not really one of the first people to know, it is a sign you are not the number one lady in his life.
It is a sign he only sees you as a friend because guys talk more often with their partners than they do with their friends.
You also want to check out these 19 signs a guy friend has caught feelings.
Signs he only sees you as a friend through text

1. He hardly texts first
How often do you text your female friends or other guy friends you don’t have a crush on? I am certain it is not daily, it is only on a need basis.
So if your guy friend does not text often but only texts if it is necessary, or when he wants to share news or if he is responding to your text, then it is signs he only sees you as a friend.
When a guy likes you, he will initiate the texts and it will be on a regular basis.
2. He makes mention of other girls in his texts
Think back to the time when you were in a relationship. Wouldn’t you talk to your guy friends about your boyfriend? And sometimes even cry to them or ask advice from them?
If the guy friend you have a crush on is treating you the same way, talking about his girlfriend or other girls in his conversations, it is a sign he only sees you as a friend.
3. He does not use sweet pet names on you
When a guy likes more than a friend, he will sometimes drop sweet pet names in his conversations.
He might call you babe, baby, sweetheart, sweety, my love, beautiful, gorgeous, the list is endless. But if when chatting to you he never uses any of those but calls you with your name or last name, homie, friend, mate, dude, etc, it is a sign he only sees you as a friend.
4. He does not use flirty emojis
When a guy likes you more than a friend, he’ll sometimes make use of flirty emojis to express himself or to flirt with you.
But when he is texting you, he always keeps it safe and uses common ones. There are certain emojis that he never uses with you. Like blowing a kiss, in love, a heart emojis, because he does not want to send any mixed signals.
5. He is not interested in the little details
When a man is chatting with a woman he likes he will ask her questions like:
“how are you?”, “how was your day?”, “what are you doing?”, “when can I see you?”
But when a guy only sees you as a friend, he will just get straight to the point. He will not care much about your wellbeing or about seeing your face.
6. He does not ask you to send him images of yourself
When a guy likes you through text, he might ask you to send some pictures of yourself. Or he might even want to do a video call with you.
If a guy does not seem like he is interested in seeing your face, it is a sign he only sees you as a friend through text.
7. He posts images of his girl
If a guy is comfortable sending you a picture of his girl or of the girl he likes, or on his profile, he has an image of his girl, it is signs he only sees you as a friend.
When a guy has feelings for you, he will not try to make you jealous.
8. He is slow to respond to your texts and sometimes he does not respond
Signs a guy likes you is when he is quick to reply to texts and always seems happy to receive a text from you. He will even take the lead after the first text.
If you text him and he takes his time to respond and does not keep the conversation flowing, it is one of the many signs he only sees you as a friend.
Even when he forgets to respond to your text, he will not even bother apologizing.
Signs he sees you as someone special

1. He wants you to be his girlfriend
When a guy sees you as someone special, he will make you his girlfriend. Even if he tries to hide his feelings, in due time he will make a move on you.
Read more: 30 signs he wants you to be his girlfriend soon
2. He does not talk about other women when with you
When a man sees you as someone special, he will make you feel like he only has eyes for you. He will not mention other women in your presence and neither will he flirt with them or give them too much attention.
3. He values your opinion
Signs he sees you as someone special is when he values your opinion. He will come to you when he needs advice or when he has to make a decision.
If a man seems like he wants to involve you in his affairs, then he likes you more than a friend.
4. He introduces you to his friends as his woman
If a man introduces you to his friends and tells them that you are his woman, it is a sign he sees you as someone special.
5. He wants you to meet his family
When a man says he wants you to meet his family, it means you really hold a special place in his heart.
6. He gives you gifts
Some men do not believe in buying gifts for a woman they are not serious about. If he gives you a gift randomly, or on your birthday, or even on Valentine’s day, it is a sign he sees you as someone special.
7. He is vulnerable around you
If a man is able to open up to you and talk to you about deep things that he has never even mentioned to his friends, it is a sign he sees you as someone special. He wouldn’t be vulnerable to you if he did not like you more than a friend.
8. He chases after you
When a man sees you as someone special, he will be willing to chase after you, and he will not give up easily.
If a man is quick to give up after you have rejected him, it can be a sign he never really loved you, he just wanted to sleep with you.
9. He is always there for you
If a man is physically and emotionally available for you when you need him, you are someone special to him. A man who is not into you will not want to offer you his time if it is not on his terms.
10. He praises you
A man who values you will make you feel special and appreciated. He makes you feel like you are too important to him and any effort you make for him, he shows gratitude.
11. He talks about you
If he can’t help it but always talk about you to people or ask people about you, it is a clear sign he sees you as someone special.
What to do when he only sees you as a friend?

If you have read these signs he only sees you as a friend, it is not a train smash. There are people who have managed to turn a friendship into a relationship, but it is not always the case.
You can still take charge of the situation and not feel like a victim.
Know that there is someone out there for you. If this one sees you as just a friend, someone else will come into your life and see you as a girlfriend right away.
It is also worth noting that you cannot force a guy to like you. It is either he likes you or not. Because if you make a move on him, he might be scared to reject you. And you will not enjoy such a relationship because he will not give you his full attention. He might only just want to use you for your body.
Even the bible in Songs of Solomon 8 verse 4 charges daughters not to arouse love until it so desires.
Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.
Songs of Songs 8: 4 (NIV)
If you are friends with him with the hope that one day he might make you his girlfriend, you run the risk of getting hurt in the process.
If you do not accept your fate timely, you might feel like your friend has played with your emotions.
It can also help you to distance yourself from the friendship because you might find it difficult to move on if you constantly see him.
Think to yourself, how much do you value your friendship? Do you want to keep the friendship or do you want the awkwardness if you make a move and he rejects you?
If you feel like he is an acquaintance and his presence or absence would not matter you can ask him straight up, or give hints to see how he responds so you can save yourself time.
How do you know if a guy likes you as a friend or more?
When a guy likes you as a friend, there are certain things he will do which he will not do when he likes you more than a friend and vice versa.
When you are a friend, he will mention other ladies to you, but when you are more than a friend he will not talk about other women.
As a friend he will not contact you often, but if he likes you more than a friend he will call or text you often.
When he likes you as a friend he does not mind when you are dating other people, but when you are more than a friend he wants to date you.
He will not flirt with a friend but he will flirt with a woman he likes.
How do you tell if someone only likes you as a friend?
If someone likes you as a friend, they will be comfortable talking about their crush, fling, or relationships with you. They also won’t be in contact often or spend much time with you.
How do you know if your just friends
You know you are just friends because your crush is dating other people or making moves on other people. They also encourage you to date other people, and they are not even jealous when they see you with someone else. They do not give you gifts or make any flirty comments when with you.
How do you know if a guy cares about you more than a friend?
When a guy cares about you more than a friend he will always be available for you. He will give you gifts, take you on dates, flirt with you and check up on you often. He will also be protective and jealous of you.