Signs a male coworker likes you but is hiding it
How do you tell if a male coworker likes you or is just being friendly? I have often missed the signs a male coworker likes me but is hiding it; I thought he was just being friendly.
Sometimes I misread the signs, only to be disappointed when I found he is in a relationship, meaning that he was just being friendly.
So I totally understand if you are confused about the mixed signals from your male colleague.
Forbes makes reference to a survey produced by, which says that 58% of employees have engaged in a romantic relationship with a colleague.
This is really a high number meaning that there is a high chance that a guy in your workplace likes you, even if it is not the guy you like.
Table of Contents
- Signs a male coworker likes you but is hiding it
- 15 Signs a male coworker likes you but is hiding it
- Signs your boss likes you but is hiding it
- Body language boss likes you
15 Signs a male coworker likes you but is hiding it
1. He compliments you often
One of the signs a male coworker likes you but is hiding it, is when he frequently compliments you.
Yes, there are those days where most people in the office might compliment you for your nice outfit, but this male coworker who likes you will compliment you even when no one is complimenting you.
He will even notice the finer details that most guys normally miss. After changing your hairstyle, he will tell you that it is beautiful, it suits you. He will even notice the change in your makeup, your earrings, or even your nails.
If you have made a presentation, he will tell you that your work is brilliant, you have presented it so well.
He always has a way of putting a smile on your face and making you feel good about yourself.
If a male coworker constantly praises you, chances are that he is not just being friendly but he likes you.
Read more: 19 clear signs he caught feelings for you
2. He comes to your desk often
When a male coworker likes you, it might be difficult for him to keep his distance. He will always find an excuse to talk to you.
At first, he might come to you to discuss work stuff or ask you questions on a field that you are knowledgeable about.
As time goes, he will take interest in your personal life. He will ask you about your past weekend or your plans for the upcoming weekend.
Based on some of your responses, he will assess if you are in a relationship or not.
Even if it seems like he is talking to your other colleagues who are next to you, you will notice that he stands right next to your desk and his attention is mainly on you.
And sometimes he even gets onto your personal space, something a person with no intentions would not do, and this can make you feel a bit uncomfortable. But worry not, it is his way of showing he likes you, but is scared to confess his feelings.
3. He checks up on you often
Another sure sign a male coworker likes you but is hiding it, is when he checks up on you often. He will reach out to you through email, text, call, or any instant messaging platform that your company uses like Zoom or Teams, etc.
He might not directly say that he is checking up on you, but the conversations will be both work and non-work-related.
There are certain memes and articles that he will not share with the entire team but shares with you.
If you happen to be absent from work, he will notice and contact you to find out if you are well.
If it seems like your coworker is giving you too much attention, it is one of the signs he has strong feelings for you.
4. He wants to have lunch with you
If a male coworker wants to have lunch with you often, it is a sign he likes you without saying it.
And you might have noticed that he is not as happy when your other friends join you for lunch because he was hoping to have your undivided attention.
Also, if he offers to buy you lunch or take you out on a lunch date, know that he really likes you. Most guys do not waste their money on women they do not have feelings for.
If you ask him to buy lunch for you and your friend and he agrees, it means that he likes you and he is trying to impress you. Like I said, if a guy does not like you, he will not waste his money on you and your friends.
5. He contacts you even after hours
An unmissable sign a coworker likes you but is hiding it is when he starts contacting you or checking up on you even after hours.
At first, his texts or calls might be work-related, but later you might have generic and even flirty chats.
The conversations you will have with him will no longer feel like you are talking to a colleague but a friend or even someone that has a crush on you.
He may even ask to meet up with you after work or during the weekend, which is a sign that he likes you.
6. He gives you a gift on your birthday

When a male coworker buys you a gift, it can be difficult to tell if he likes you or is just being friendly.
But here is how to verify:
Did he also buy birthday gifts for his other coworkers? If the answer is no, he is buying because likes you.
If he is the one who asked you when your birthday is and he remembered, then it is a sign he likes you more than a friend.
Or if you mentioned in passing that it was your birthday or he found out on the day, yet he still made your day special, then it is a clear sign that he loves you without saying it.
7. He follows you religiously social media
If a male coworker follows you on social media, likes most of your posts, and even comments on them offline or online, chances are that he likes you.
As much as he compliments you in person, he also wants to compliment you on social media because social media is an integral part of our lives these days.
8. He opens up about himself
If a man opens up to you about his life, childhood, family, past relationships, goals, it means that he likes you. Men are generally not vulnerable to people that do not have a special place in their hearts.
9. He supports you
Signs a male coworker likes you but is hiding it is when he shows you support. If there is a product that you are selling at work, he will buy and spread the word so that you can have more customers.
Or if you are a blogger like me, he will follow your content.
Or if you are going through a difficult period, or your boss was harsh to you, he will offer a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on.
10. He flirts with you
One of the obvious signs a male coworker likes you is when he flirts with you. But just check if he is only flirting with you only, because there are guys who flirt with most women.
When he is talking to you, most of the conversations end up being sexual. Even when he is texting you, he will send flirty texts and plenty of love emoticons.
Sometimes it will be the way he stares at you, he will stare at you for so long to a point where it feels like he is lusting after you.
When talking to you, he will look for an opportunity to touch you. He might even initiate that you greet him or say goodbye with a hug.
When a coworker is flirting with you, he will even give you a pet name like beautiful, baby, sweety etc.
You want to check out these 13 signs a guy is really turned on by you.
11. He agrees to do favours for you
If a male colleague is willing to provide you with any kind of assistance, it is a clear sign he likes you but is hiding it.
If you ask him to do something for you and he agrees, you know he will do it because he always keeps his promises when it comes to you.
He does both work-related and non-related favors for you, like giving you a lift or speaking to certain people on your behalf.
Read more: 30 signs he wants you to notice him
12. He is jealous when he sees you with other men
Signs a male coworker likes you but is hiding it is when he gets jealous when he sees you with other men.
Does it seem like his behavior changes towards you when he sees you entertaining other men? Does he suddenly become too quiet, distant, or even give you the silent treatment?
Or does he make nasty comments like “I did not want to disturb you while you were with your boyfriend?”
If it gets to him when he sees you with other men, it means that he likes you.
Read more: How to ignore someone to get their attention
13. He seeks advice from you
If a man usually comes to you for advice, know that there is a high chance that he likes you because he would not be disclosing his issues to you.
He wants your view or your second opinion before he makes a decision. Before he buys that gadget, he will ask you what you think of it. Or before taking up a new role, he will ask for your opinion.
Read more: 30 Signs he wants you to be his girlfriend soon
14. He does not disclose much about his current relationships
When a male coworker likes you, he will not reveal to you that he is married or in a relationship. He knows that if he can be completely honest with you, he might lose his chance to win you over.
But you just want to be careful, if you hear other people saying that he is married, just stay away from him, even if he has already shown all signs that he likes you because it can be signs that he wants to sleep with you.
If you are not sure if he is married or not, you may want to check out these 15 warning signs.
Read more: 16 signs a married man is pursuing you
15. He lights up when he sees you
When a male coworker has feelings for you, his face will light up every time he sees you. He will smile when he bumps into you in the corridor or even outside the workplace. He always seems happy to see you.
Signs your boss likes you but is hiding it

1. They treat you like they don’t like you
If your boss treats you like he can’t stand you, it might be that he has a secret crush on you, but he does not want you to know it. He feels like if he is friendly with you, you might see through him, so he chooses to act serious with you.
And he might even be constantly complaining about you or your work to other people, which is a sign your boss likes you but is hiding it.
2. He gives you preferential treatment
If it seems like your boss gives you special treatment then it is a sign he likes you. He might allow you to take leave often while when your colleagues request leave, he denies them. Or your boss gives you good salary increases or bonuses, while he does not do the same for your co-workers.
And when you do something wrong, it is not a big deal, while if someone else does the same mistake, your boss shouts at them or gives them a warning.
3. He values your opinion
When your boss likes you, he will value your opinion. If you make a suggestion, he takes it and runs with it, but he always disregards the opinions of the other colleagues.
When a man does this, he is trying to make you happy, and boost your confidence and that will make you admire him more as a boss and individual.
4. He gives you gifts
If your boss singles you out for a gift, buys you a gift on your birthday, or gives you a souvenir, but does not do it for the other colleagues, it is a sign he likes you. If the gift was genuine, he would also give it to the rest of the team.
5. He does kind gestures for you
Signs your boss likes you but is hiding it is when offers to buy you lunch often, allows you to use some of his personal assets, or gives you gifts that he received from clients, but he does not do the same for his other subordinates.
6. Your boss confides in you
If your boss shares confidential information with you, but does not share it with the rest of the team, or he tells you information first before he tells it to the team members, or he even gossips the other team members with you, it can be a sign he likes you even though he hasn’t confessed his feelings.
Body language boss likes you

1. He blushes around you
Body language sign your boss likes you is when he blushes. According to an article in
Carta Anthropogeny, blushing in humans strongly correlates with emotional arousal.
So you will notice that his cheeks become reddish when talking to him. However, for a guy who is darker in complexion, it can be difficult to notice if the cheeks have turned red, but you can’t miss that blushing smile on his face.
2. His body language is open or welcoming
Some bosses are welcoming by nature to all their colleagues. But if your boss is that person who everyone is scared of and dreads going to his office, but you notice that he is very welcoming to you, it is a sign he likes you.
So his sitting or standing will be more relaxed. He will also keep his forehead pointed towards you.
He will not be crossing his arms when you are talking to him. If he is crossing them, it is probably that he is feeling cold or imitating you.
He will remove objects that are creating a barrier. As humans, we tend to put barriers when we’re not feeling safe, or interested in a person because we want to avoid physical contact.
An open body language is an indication that someone is curious and attentive to you.
3. Your boss stares for longer periods
When someone is attracted to you, they won’t only stare at your face, but will also stare onto your chest area, as well as the lower part of the body.
When you are walking across the room, you can sense that their eyes are following you.
And when your boss likes you, they will maintain eye contact when having a conversation with you.
4. His feet faces you
If a man points his feet at you, it is one of the body language signs he likes you.
According to PsychMechanics in an article they published on Body Language: Truth of the pointing foot it says, in body language, the direction in which a person points their foot reveals the direction in which they want to go. Even if they seem engaged in conversation with other people.
For instance, if you see a person talking to someone but their foot is pointing towards you, it means they are interested in you and want to approach you.
The person who points their foot towards you is thinking of approaching you in the back of their mind, even if they seem to be engaged with their own group.
5. His fingers are inside pockets with thumbs tucked into the belt or tops of pockets
If a man has his fingers inside his pockets with thumbs tucked into the belt or tops of pockets, it is a sign he is attracted to you.
According to an article in West Side Toast Masters, the book of body language, men use this gesture to stake their territory or as a sign they are not afraid.
If a man talks to a woman standing this way with one foot pointing towards her and eyes dilated, it is a body language sign he likes her.
6. He tries to get closer to you
When your boss is attracted to you, he will try to get closer to you. He will choose to sit next to you, instead of across from you. Or he might choose to come and sit next to you at an event at work.
He will also lean forward when talking to you. Or he might even evade your personal space. And when standing, he will stand very close to you.
7. Your boss touches you
When your boss likes you but is hiding it, he will find an excuse to touch you. He might ask you for a hug or he might reach out and touch your hands, pat your back, and if he sees something on your hair or clothes he will reach out and remove it.
He might even let his elbow bump against your arm when he is laughing with you or let his legs touch against yours when you are sitting next to him.
8. He is nervous around you
When a man has feelings for you, he might be nervous around you. His heart might even beat very fast, have sweaty palms and he can even be fidgety. His hands and legs might even shake a bit. He might also fidget his chair meaning that he cannot sit still for too long.
So if you spot this body language in a boss, it is a sign he likes you.
9. He mirrors you
When a man is falling for you or has strong feelings for you, his actions will begin to mirror yours. Mirroring is a way of imitating another person’s body language. Look for mirroring in the following ways:
- He might begin to use the phrases that you use
- Or imitates some of your expressions
- He crosses his arms just like you
When he mirrors you, it makes him feel closer to you and it shows that he feels comfortable around you.
Read more: Body language of a man secretly in love with you
How do you tell if a male coworker likes you or is just being friendly?

When a male coworker likes you, he will keep his promises. If he has promised to buy you lunch or help you out with a task he will do it. He will also buy you gifts on special days, something a guy would not do if he did not have feelings for you.
When he likes you, he will enjoy spending time with you even after working hours, and he will constantly keep in touch.
How do you know if a discreet guy likes you
When a discreet guy likes you, his actions will speak louder than his words. He will change his image. He will light up when he sees you, even if he does not say much.
When a guy likes you, he will buy you lunch and even give you a gift on your birthday.
Read more: 25 Signs he loves you secretly
Can a guy like you but not show it
Yes a guy can like you but not show it. Most guys are scared of being rejected that is why they choose to hide their feelings. But his body language and actions can give it away.
If he seems to always find an excuse to talk to you, or he always keeps his promises or showers you with gifts, it can be signs he likes you but is hiding it.
Do some guys hide their feelings when they like you?
Some guys do hide their feelings when they like you, but there are subtle signs that you should be on the lookout for. When a guy has feelings for you, you will see it in the way he looks at you. He might also behave strangely when he is around you compared to when he is with other people. He will even do his research on you.