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Causes of marital delay

Many women want to get married at a certain age so that they can still be able to have kids, but only a few get married at their dream age. There are so many factors that cause marital delays and if you can identify the one that is causing your delay, you will be a step closer to getting married.

If you are tired of being single, you can also get my ebook “How To Attract Mr Right & Get Married Within A Year”, a book aimed at helping you overcome your marital delay predicament.

Table of Contents

  1. Causes of Marital Delay
  2. How To Overcome Marital Delay
  3. Bible verses about delay in marriage
  4. What is the right age for marriage?

Causes of Marital Delay

1.     You are attract partners who are not serious about you

The reason why you are suffering marital delay is that you are in love with someone who is not serious about you. The sad reality is that many people are in relationships that will not yield to marriage because only a few of those relationships are serious. A man can date 3 women at a given time, and imagine if all those women think that one day he will marry them, what are the odds?

That is why it is important to assess the state of your relationship earlier on, to decrease the chances of being played. Be on the lookout for these signs of cheating so that you can know if your partner is cheating on you or you are the one he’s cheating with.

It is also important to ask him when he plans to marry you so that you do not wait for something that is never going to happen.

Read more: How to get a marriage proposal from your man

2. You don’t like the one who is serious about you

Another reason why people delay getting married is that their heart does not love the one who is very serious about them. So they end up leaving the one who is serious for the one who is not serious.

It is important to not let your heart mislead you, because it might lead you to a very dark and lonely place. Anyways women are receivers of love and not initiators of love. Treasure the one who shows you love.

Read more: Why women should not fall in love

3. Your partner is not financially ready

One of the reasons for marital delay is being in a relationship with someone who lacks financial resources. Even if a man can be very serious about you, if he is not financially stable he will not get married.

Weddings require money but marriage is basically free. If you really want to get married, you can go and sign at home affairs. If you cannot get married without a wedding then it means that you should continue waiting until he is financially ready.

In the black culture, the woman’s family expects lobola, dowry, or bridal price to show that you are serious about marrying their child. So other people are forced to delay because they do not have the lobola money.

It is therefore important to assess the financial state of your partner earlier on so that you can be able to estimate if he will be able to marry you within a certain time frame or not.

4. Your character is not right

Another reason why people suffer marital delay is because of their attitude. We all have different characters and that is what makes us unique. But even in those different characters, a man can see if a woman will make a good wife or just a good sex partner. You might have an appealing appearance, but if your partner feels disrespected or feels that you cannot be trusted then he cannot make you his wife.

If you do have male friends, ask for their honest opinion about you. Find out if there is something wrong that you are doing in a relationship and how you can change it so that men can find you marriage-worthy.

Read more: How to be wife material

5. You are in love with someone who is not available

Women delay themselves to get married because they date men who are unavailable with the hope that they will leave their wives for them. They wait on an empty promise and five years later, they just have kids with a married man but have no marriage.

It is important to see the signs that a married man is using you and come out of it as soon as you can because you are only wasting your time by being with him. You are closing down your opportunities of being found by a man who could have been serious about you.

6. Negative confessions

Your own confession is delaying you from getting married. You have already said you don’t want to get married or marriage is not for you, but along the way, you changed your mind. The problem is that the universe responds quicker to negative confessions than it does to good ones. It is important to go back and crush off every negative thing you have said about marriage.

7. Not physically appealing

Men are first attracted to the physical appearance before your character. If your image does not look right it might difficult for them to notice that you are a gem. Always know that you are marketing yourself even when you think that no one is watching. It is important to mind how you present yourself, post the right images on social media because you do not want to sell yourself short.

8. Low self confidence

Another reason why people suffer marital delay is that they have poor self-esteem. How do you expect someone to love you when you don’t even love yourself? You might not be the prettiest woman nor have perfect body shape, but if you have self-confidence, men will find you very attractive.

9. You are still broken

If you still have not healed from the hurt that you faced in your past relationship or a bad relationship with your father, you can face marital delay. It is important to forgive, so that you can be able to move forward and have healthy relationships. If you harbor a grudge, you can easily hurt men who come with good intentions. Also, don’t let insecurities and trust issues come in the way of a good relationship.

10. You have an unrealistic list of what an ideal man should have

Another reason why you might suffer marital delay is because of your long unrealistic list. No person is perfect. Forget the list and only just have a few things that you might not be willing to compromise on.

11. You are not at the right place

The reason why you are not being noticed by the right people might be that you are not exposed to the right people. It is important to put yourself out there. Some people found their partners on social media, so don’t think that social media is all evil. Attend gatherings, church, braais, weddings, etc so that you can meet with people. You never know where you will meet your Mr. Right or Ms. Right.

12. Can be spiritual

Marriage is spiritual and some marital delays can also be spiritual. It sometimes can be a chain that has to be broken. It is possible to find that you are from a lineage that does not get married, or gets married late.

Assess your own family situation and fight accordingly to break the delay. Also, read these 12 verses for praying for a life partner. If you want to accelerate the process read this marriage book, “How to Attract Mr Right & Get Married Within A Year“, and thank me later.

Read more: 16 Powerful verses on Singleness

How To Overcome Marital Delay

You can surely overcome marital delay if you start making certain changes today. Get my ebook “How To Attract Mr Right & Get Married Within A Year” or read more practical tips here.

Bible verses about delay in marriage

The Bible makes reference to marital delay in Genesis 29:26 after Jacob wanted to marry Rachael but was given the older sister Leah because it was not customary for the younger to get married before the older. 

Genesis 29: 18-26

Jacob was in love with Rachel and said, “I’ll work for you seven years in return for your younger daughter Rachel.” Laban said, “It’s better that I give her to you than to some other man. Stay here with me.” So Jacob served seven years to get Rachel, but they seemed like only a few days to him because of his love for her. Then Jacob said to Laban, “Give me my wife. My time is completed, and I want to make love to her.” So Laban brought together all the people of the place and gave a feast. But when evening came, he took his daughter Leah and brought her to Jacob, and Jacob made love to her. And Laban gave his servant Zilpah to his daughter as her attendant. When morning came, there was Leah! So Jacob said to Laban, “What is this you have done to me? I served you for Rachel, didn’t I? Why have you deceived me?” Laban replied, “It is not our custom here to give the younger daughter in marriage before the older one. 

Genesis 2:18

The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

James 1:17

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. 

Proverbs 19:14

Houses and wealth are inherited from parents, but a prudent wife is from the Lord.

What is the right age for marriage?

Ladies want to get married before the age of 25 years. Above 25 years, society might consider it a marital delay. I have come to learn that there is no right or wrong age to get married. Those that got married too early regret marrying too early because they feel like they lost out on the benefits of being single.

Some get married too early and divorce still in their twenties, while others get married in their forties or even fifties. For a man, even if they get married after 30 years, it is not seen as late as they are not chasing a biological clock like women.

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