Your one stop for all relationship matters

Getting married is almost every girl’s dream. From a young age, women fantasize about their wedding day. However, not every woman gets married at their ideal age.

It pains me to see women being heartbroken; investing in a relationship, only to get played. Or to see a woman who fails to attract the right kind of guy. 

I also did not get it right the first time. My plan was to get married at 23, but it did not happen the way I had imagined.

I achieved all my academic plans as well as my plans to buy a car at 21. 

I was already financially stable, pictured the design of my wedding dress, had the perfect venue in mind. Still, what was missing to make that picture a reality was the right willing man. 

I dreaded going home because my family would constantly ask me when am I getting married. 

I remember when a family friend said that we see all the achievements; you have written books, you even have a car, but when are you getting married? Although I was not really worried that I was racing against time because most of my peers were not married, such statements really got to me. I felt like society values marriage more than it values a successful woman. 

Fortunately, before I turned 27, I got married, but it was a battle; marriage was not handed over to me on a silver platter. 

The purpose of this book is to teach you the strategies that I used to attract and secure my marriage. It also aims to help you know what to expect in marriage.

What is your marriage blueprint?

A blueprint is a plan or design that determines how you will do something or events unfold in your life. Each of us has a natural blueprint based on our DNA or even our environment. So even when it comes to relationships and marriage, your life will follow a particular pattern based on your set blueprint. 

That is why you find that certain people attract marriage so easily without putting in any effort, while others struggle. In many cases, you find that history has a way of repeating itself. If a parent gave birth in their teen years, the child might also do the same. Hence, it is essential to identify your marriage blueprint to alter it if it is working against you. 

For the purposes of this book, I will only stick to five types of marriage blueprints. Which one are you?

5 Types of marriage blueprint

1. Marriage magnet: You easily attract people who want to marry you; or

2. Dating-friendly: You easily attract people to date, but all relationships are short-lived; or  

3. Relationship magnet: You can sustain a relationship but struggle to get your partner to commit legally to you; or

4. No go zone: You struggle to attract a partner into your life; or

5. Yes-but-never: Your partner commits to you, but something terrible happens before you get married.

These blueprints are explained in detail below: 

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Marriage magnet blueprint

When you are on this blueprint, attracting marriage is not complex for you. Every person that you date has intentions of marrying you. You do nothing out of the ordinary to prove that you are a wife or husband material. 

Even if they find you with kids, they still want to marry you. And when you divorce, you don’t struggle to find someone to marry you again.

Dating-friendly blueprint

If you are on this blueprint, finding someone to date is not difficult for you. You are hardly ever single because there are always people knocking at your door. The downside is that most of your relationships are short-term in nature; they do not last for over a year or two without a breakup.

Relationship magnet blueprint

A person who has a relationship magnet blueprint can sustain a relationship. Their relationships are long-term in nature, and some even make kids and have a marriage type of setup. However, although they seem to be life partners, they still fail at convincing each other to legalize the relationship. 

No-go zone blueprint

When your blueprint is a no-go zone, it means that you struggle to attract a partner into your life. No one serious gives you attention. 

When you are in this category, you might even have many friends of the opposite sex. Still, none of them are romantically interested in you. 

Yes-but-never blueprint

When you are on this blueprint, you can attract marriage, but something terrible happens before you get married. You either break up, or there is a life-changing event that messes up your wedding plans. It can be death, finding out that they have impregnated someone else, or having to relocate, etc. 

Ways to change your blueprint

If you want to change your blueprint, you will have to act fast; you cannot allow your blueprint to stop you from getting married.

Every blueprint has its advantages and disadvantages.

If you were a marriage magnet, you may think that you would be happier and complete in life. But who says that the marriage magnets are happier in life? What if they wished they had dated longer or dated other people before getting married?

I once heard someone who got married at a young age say that she does not want her daughter to follow in her footsteps. She wants her daughter to date as long as possible and get married after 30. 

It is essential to read the insights in this book so that you do not marry prematurely, or marry the wrong person or marry for the wrong reasons. 

If you are dating-friendly, you need to establish if you are attracting the right people into your life or if you are the problem. This book will help you look within yourself and address your dating strategy to attract a relationship that will convert into marriage. 

If you are a relationship magnet, meaning that you have been with someone for so long but have not yet tied the knot, this book has the advice for you. You ought to advance your moves because time is too short to wait for an unknown marriage date. 

If you are a no-go zone, you need to establish what can be killing the attraction as less attractive people than you are in relationships, and some are even married. This book will give you tips on how you can increase your chances of attracting the right people.

If you have bad luck before you have to tie the knot, it is an issue that you must address to stop history from repeating itself. This book will help you fight such battles.

This book aims to help you overcome whatever stage you are at in terms of your relationship journey. I pray it works for you. Get yourself the book today!

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