What are the signs he likes you through text? So you have been talking to this guy on social media and you wonder if he likes you or he is just being polite? Does he like you or he only sees you as a friend?
Guys can take time to express their true feelings, and you might friendzone him only to discover he had strong feelings for you.
Or you might have a crush on a certain guy you’ve been texting, but you wonder if he feels the same way about you because he hasn’t confessed his feelings.
Even if a guy can hide his feelings, there are certain texting habits of a guy who likes you, and these habits will give it away.
It won’t only be about what he says in his texts, but how he says it.
How quick is he to respond, does he seem happy to talk to you?
Is he mostly the one to initiate the chats?
How long are his texts?
These are a few of the texting habits to look out for when assessing if a guy likes you or not.
Table of Contents
- Signs he likes you through text
- How often will a guy text you if he likes you?
- How do you know if a guy likes you by texting?
Signs he likes you through text
1. He initiates texts
One of the early signs a guy likes you through text is when he is the one to initiate conversations. He will be the first person to say “hi”, “how are you?” “How was your day?” and other topics that he wants you to discuss so that he can have an excuse to keep talking to you.
But once you have gotten used to receiving attention from him, he might stop texting for a couple of days, just so that you can miss him and reciprocate.
However, if a guy does not initiate most of the chats, it can be one of the signs he’s not into you. And if he’s not into you it means he is into someone else or he is still looking.
2. He checks up on you often
When a guy likes you, he will check up on you often. He will call you and text you often.
He might not text you daily, but it will be more frequent.
3. He responds to your texts instantly
Signs he likes you through text is when he is very quick to reply to your texts. When you text him, within a couple of minutes he’s already replied.
The speed of his replies is one of the signs he caught feelings through text.
If he does not respond timely, it means there was a valid reason, but you are confident that he always responds when he gets a chance.
And if he can’t respond timely, he will apologize for the delay.
4. He always seems happy to hear from you
If you text him first, you can see the excitement in his response. It is like he has been waiting to hear from you.
The body language of a guy secretly in love with you is when he smiles every time he sees you.
But even through text, he will be smiling when texting you (although you won’t see it) but you will see it in his quick response, lengthy responses, and even asking you a question after his reply.
5. He does not give one-word answers
When a man likes you over text, he will not give you one-word answers. He will put in some effort (even if he does not like texting).
He won’t type one-word responses like “K” “gud” “ok” “yep” “idk”, he will try to type full sentences.
You are even able to read his emotions from the way he answers you.
6. He lets you know when he is unavailable
When he expects to be busy or away from his phone, he will let you know so that you are not surprised by his inconsistency in texting you.
He never wants you to feel like he is ignoring your texts or not giving you attention.
7. He uses emojis to express himself

When a guy who likes you is chatting to you, he will use emojis. He might blow you a kiss, send plenty of smiles, show a blushing face, send you a hug or a heart. If he is disappointed, he might even text a sad emoji.
If a guy makes use of flirty emojis, it is one of the signs he likes you through text.
8. He texts you even when he is with other people
He might tell you that he will be with his family or with the guys or attending an event. But he still texts you and have a decent conversation with you although he’s with other people.
If he still texts you although he is busy, then it is a sign he likes you through text.
9. He responds to all your texts
When a guy likes you, he will respond to all your texts. He will never leave any of your texts hanging or read your texts but does not respond.
However, some guys can leave some of your text hanging just to get your attention.
But if a guy stops responding, it can also be a sign he’s losing interest through text.
10. He compliments you a lot
Signs a guy likes you is when he compliments you often. So even through text, you will notice his compliments.
If you post something on your status, he will comment and pass a compliment.
And he does not only compliment the images that you post, he also compliments how you think or the kind of advice you give him. He might even say he loves talking to you.
Or if he has seen you at work but could not compliment you in person, he will text you and tell you that you were looking great or your presentation was outstanding.
11. He asks you a lot of questions
When a guy likes you, he will be curious and inquisitive of you. He will want to know the person he is falling for so that he can make the right move.
He might ask you about your interests, ask if you are in a relationship, what you get up, how your day was, etc because he wants to get to know you better.
He might even say that he likes similar things too (just to impress you so you think you have common interests)
12. He confides in you in you
When a guy likes you, he will open up to you about certain parts of his life. He might confide in you about certain family or work matters.
He will chat to you about his day, the project he is busy with, his plans, ask for your advice, and even gossip with you.
This is his way of trying to become closer to you so that he can win your trust.
13. He wants to do more than texting
When a guy likes you, he will do more than texting. He will want to call you, or even do a video call. He will also want to meet up with you.
If he does not want to do more, it may be a sign that he’s not really into you.
14. He calls you by a pet name
If he uses pet names such as ‘sweetie’ or ‘babe’ or ‘beautiful’ it can be a sign that he likes you over text.
Someone who does not like you will not be comfortable using these flirty pet names on you.
15. He shows concern
When a guy likes you, he will be concerned about you. If you tell him that you are not fine, he will want to know what is wrong and maybe even tell you soothing words.
When you are travelling he will tell you to drive safely and inform him once you have arrived. And if you are writing an exam, he will wish you luck.
16. He shares things with you
When he sees a meme that he likes or a funny video or tweet, he will share it with you because he wants you to know or to laugh as well.
It is not easy to forward certain things to a random person or someone who does not hold a special place in your heart.
17. He asks you to send your pictures
If you happen to say that you were getting compliments at work for your outfit, or you say that you have gained weight, he might ask you to send him your picture so he can see.
Or out of the blue, he might ask you to send your picture although there are other images of you on social media.
If a guy wants you to send him your images, it is a sign that he likes you and wishes he could see you in person.
18. He tells you he missed you
If you haven’t texted each other in a while, he might tell you that he missed you, he missed talking to you.
If a guy admits to missing you, it is a sign he likes you.
How often will a guy text you if he likes you?

There is no right answer to this question. But when a guy is still pursuing you, he will text often. Throughout the day he will be chatting with you and he will keep the conversations going.
He might send you a good morning text and even before lunchtime, he might text you. And even when you are home after work or school he will still text you and even just before he sleeps.
But remember that not all days will be the same because some days it might be busier for him, and it might even depend on how you have been responding to him.
Also, if a guy has been calling you, he might not see the need to text much.
But the rule of the thumb is if he texts you more than a friend texts you or more than you would text a friend, it is a sign he likes you.
So how often will a guy text if he likes you? It depends but according to regain, the answer is 3 to 5 times a day but it also depends.
How do you know if a guy likes you by texting?
- He will text back almost instantly
- He calls you by a pet name
- He writes long texts
- He replies to all your texts
- He texts you often
- He initiates texts
- He compliments you often
- He wants to do more than texting like calling you or meeting up with you
- He’s inquisitive of you
- He keeps you updated about his life
- He lets you know if he cannot text back
- He uses flirty emojis