Should you trust your boyfriend or husband? What are the signs he’s faithful, he’s not cheating on you? Sometimes you will have that gut feeling he’s cheating with no proof but how do you put your mind at ease?
Maybe he cheated before and you have trust issues but hopefully, after reading these signs he’s not cheating on you, you will cut him some slack.
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Signs he’s not cheating on you
1. He’s not overprotective and secretive about his phone
Signs he’s not cheating on you is when he is comfortable leaving his phone around you. He won’t mind you using his phone at any time and even answering some of his calls if he is not close to his phone.
If his phone has a password, he will share it with you. He never locks or changes his screen when you come too close to him because he has nothing to hide.
Even when texts can come in at awkward times, he is comfortable reading them with you.
But a man who is cheating will never leave his phone lying around, he even goes to bath or to the toilet with it. And even when he sleeps, his phone will be in his pocket or switched off. He also won’t be willing to share his password with you, and if you are forced to use his phone, he will monitor you whilst you use it.
2. He does not ignore certain calls
If a man is comfortable picking up all his calls in your presence, even if they might be from women, it is a sign he’s not cheating on you.
And when answering the calls, it will never seem like the conversation is awkward. He will even willingly tell you who called and why they called.
But when a man is cheating, there are certain calls that he will ignore or answer in a different room where you cannot hear what he is talking about.
A guy who is cheating will even lie and say it’s his male colleague calling, but he will return his call later.
3. He does not clear his chat or call history
If your man does not temper with his call history or does not delete messages from certain people, it is a sign he’s not cheating on you.
A man who is cheating will try to remove all evidence of his shenanigans. So you might find that his call history is clear. He might even receive a text or call, but a few minutes later when you check his phone you will find that there is no evidence thereof because he has deleted it.
You may even be surprised to find your chats deleted because he does not want his other girlfriend to know about you.
Read more: 18 Signs he’s cheating on his phone and how to catch him
4. He does not have weird cellphone habits
When a guy is cheating, he might have weird cellphone habits like putting his phone on flight mode when he is with you, or his phone is always on silent. So if there is nothing weird about his phone then it is a sign he’s not cheating on you.
5. His routine has not changed
When a man is cheating, his routine is bound to change because he has to squeeze in his new lover. So he might claim to work overtime, start going to gym or meet with his friends more often than usual. But if nothing is out of the ordinary, it is a sign he’s not cheating on you.
6. He’s a very honest man
If he is an honest man and it is difficult for him to tell a lie and even feels awful when he has to lie, then maybe he is not cheating on you.
Once he starts cheating you will quickly notice it because he is bad at lying. His lies will not add up and you will quickly catch him.
If it is easy for someone to lie about other things, it might be easy for them to lie to you.
7. He has an open-door policy
If you are not staying together, but he allows you to come to his place at anytime even without making an appointment, then it is signs he’s not cheating on you.
Someone who is cheating on you will not be comfortable with you rocking up at random times because he might have a female guest.
8. He’s always available when you need him
When a guy is ALWAYS available when you need him, he does not create excuses, then it is a sign he’s not cheating.
Someone who is cheating will often not be available because he is with his other lover.
9. He does not ignore your calls without a valid reason
If he always answers your calls and there is nothing ever suspicious in his tone or surrounding, then it is a sign he’s not cheating on you.
A guy who is cheating won’t be able to take your calls right away because he might be with his other lover, or at a secret location.
10. You know everything that’s going on in his life
If he is open to you about his life, and finances, he reports all his movements to you, maybe you have nothing to be worried about.
When a guy is cheating, there is certain information that he will omit. He might not tell you where he went or where he is going, but he might come up with a stupid lie when you insist on wanting to know.
11. He does not have unexplained anger issues
When a guy is cheating, he might often have unexplained anger issues. He might even start blaming you for being too controlling, not giving him space, and might even claim not to be happy in the relationship.
But if there is nothing suspicious about his behavior, he enjoys spending time with you and keeping you in the loop, then maybe he is not cheating on you.
12. He openly discusses the females he interacts with
If he is open about discussing a lady who has a crush on him or complains about a female colleague, or even an ex who does not seem to get the message, then it is a sign he’s not cheating on you.
But once a guy brushes you off when you ask about a certain female, or stops complaining about her, it can be a sign he is finding joy from her, meaning that he is cheating with her.
13. He gossips about his friends who are cheating
If a man is comfortable talking about his friends who are cheating on their women, it may be a sign he’s not cheating on you. But if you notice that he has stopped talking about their cheating ways, it may be a sign that he is also doing the same.
14. He’s never given you a reason to doubt him
If he has never given you any reason to doubt him, he’s never cheated before on you or his ex-girlfriends, then it is a sign he’s not cheating on you.
When a man is cheating, your instincts will tell you and many of his activities will seem a bit off.
15. You’ve never cheated and he’s not insecure
If you have never cheated before and he is not accusing you of cheating, it may be a sign he’s not cheating on you.
When you’ve cheated before, a guy might try to settle the score and cheat on you. And also, when he starts accusing you of cheating, it might mean he’s cheating on you. There is a term called guilt transference which is a ploy commonly used by cheaters.
What are obvious signs of cheating?

1. There is leftover evidence
Some ladies like marking their territory, so they will leave behind evidence in the car or house. Some will leave a piece of their clothing items, jewellery, cosmetics, or even their hair. While others will leave lipstick marks on your man’s face or clothes. As for others, you will even be able to smell their perfume scent on the man’s body or clothing.
2. There are flirtatious texts on his phone
If there are texts to or from other women about love, missing you, let’s meet up, last night was great, love emojis, those are obvious signs of cheating.
3. He keeps a second phone that you do not know of
When a guy is cheating, he might have a second number that is used by his other woman. And you will not know about this phone until you accidentally find it in his car or bag.
4. You’ve found used or unused condoms
If you have found used condoms at his place, it is an obvious sign of cheating. Or if you have found condoms in his bag or pocket while you do not use condoms as a couple, it is a guaranteed sign of cheating.
5. Clears call and chat history
If you notice that your partner deletes chats and call history, it can be a sign that they are hiding an affair. Some also delete chats from you because they do not want the other partner to find out about you.
6. He puts his phone on flight mode or switches it off
When he is with you, he puts his phone in flight mode so that there are no incoming calls or texts from his other women. Or he switches his phone off and only switches it on when you are at a distance.
7. He fights for his phone
If you ask to see why he is smiling and you snatch the phone from him, he will forcefully take it back.
He will not even care if you get angry or accuse him of cheating. He rather give it back to you after he has cleared all the evidence.
8. He has images of women on his phone
So, if you happen to see an image of another woman on your man’s phone, and it is not a downloaded image, it is an obvious sign of cheating.
9. His routine has changed
If he is not the type that showers when he gets home, but now he heads straight to the shower when he gets home, he probably wants to wash off the scent of the other woman.
Or when he gets home he heads straight to bed claiming he is tired. Maybe he has stopped being intimate with you or he now has new styles in bed. Or he now prefers to leave very early for work or he has become serious about going to the gym, it is a sign of cheating.
10. He no longer invites you to work events
If he used to invite you to work events like year-end events but now he longer invites you, it can be a sign that he cheated or he is cheating with someone at work and does not want to cause problems.
Read more: 18 Guaranteed Signs of cheating
How do I know he is faithful?
If your relationship started as an affair, or he’s cheated before, or if his level of commitment has changed, it is common to wonder if he is faithful. Here is how to know if he is faithful:
- He gives you full access to his phone
- There are no texts on his phone or social media about an ongoing or potential affair
- He does not keep secrets
Why can’t I shake the feeling he’s cheating?
Sometimes God speaks to us through our instincts. So if he is cheating, it is only a matter of time before it comes up. One day you will catch him red-handed or his lover will contact you. But until that day comes, please don’t let something that you have no proof of, destroy your peace. Read these tips on how to ignore a cheating husband.