30 Sure Signs He Wants You To Be His Girlfriend Soon
Is it signs he wants you to be his girlfriend soon or it is just a mutual hookup? Most women have doubts when it comes to relationships because most men are very slow in showing their true intentions.
I have come across a couple of men who were showing signs they loved me secretly, yet they took their time and by the time they confessed their love, I was unavailable. Some men can even take six months before expressing their feelings or asking a woman out.
While others can swing you along for months and treat you like their girlfriend, only to be heartbroken when you discover that he did not want a serious relationship with you.
It is crucial to carefully look into signs he wants you to be his girlfriend soon so that you do not miss out on an opportunity of being in love. But you also want to check out signs he will never make you his girlfriend so that you do not fall too hard for someone who does not see you as girlfriend material.
Table of Contents
- 30 Sure Signs He Wants You To Be His Girlfriend Soon
- 30 Signs he wants you to be his girlfriend soon
- Signs he will never make you his girlfriend
- How long should you date before being in a relationship
- How long before a guy asks you to be his girlfriend
- Signs he sees you as girlfriend material
- Signs he wants you in his future
- Signs he wants to date you
30 Signs he wants you to be his girlfriend soon
1. You have been spending more time together
When a guy wants to make you his girlfriend, he will spend time with you so that he gets to know you better. He will also want to spend time with you so that he can win you over and give you the opportunity to fall for him before he asks you to be his girlfriend.
If he always suggests a meeting with you, or he wants to come and see you most days after work, it is one of the signs he wants you to be his girlfriend soon.
2. Consistency in wanting to see you
If a man has been consistent in wanting to see you, and it does not seem like a seasonal fling, it is a sign that he wants you his girlfriend soon.
Most guys are not consistent with meeting a woman they do not see a future with. They only meet up with her when they want to use her or benefit from her.
If you feel like he is genuinely happy to be around you even when there are no sexual favours, then you can expect the relationship to soon move to the next level.
3. He communicates with you often
When a man is consistent in communicating with you through the various communication channels, be it through call or text, it is a clear sign he wants you to be his girlfriend soon.
Throughout the day he will call or text you, no matter how hectic his day can be. If his day is hectic, he will let you know so that you are not surprised by the silence.
He will not disappear on you for more than two days. Even if he can lose his phone, he will contact you the moment he gets another phone.
READ MORE: 30 Signs he wants you to notice him
4. He wants to know you better
When a man likes you, he will begin to take interest in your personal life. He will want to know the interesting and boring details of your life. He will ask you a lot of questions including if you are in a relationship, your expectations, your hobbies, background, family, skills, interests, dislikes, and aspirations.
If you mention that you sing or play sports, he might come to watch you perform. In that way, he is also getting to practically know you, which is one of the signs he wants you to be his girlfriend soon.
He might even ask if you want to have kids in the future. If he asks you such questions, it means that he sees a future with you and wants to assess if you are aligned in terms of having kids because it can be a dealbreaker.
5. He compliments you
Another sign he wants you to be his girlfriend soon is when he compliments you often. He will compliment your physical appearance and other subtle features. He will compliment your intelligence, how you treat people, your achievements, your cooking, your talents, how you challenge him intellectually, and how you make him feel.
If a man only focuses on your physical appearance, it may be a sign he wants to sleep with you.
6. He is protective of you
When a man is falling in love with you, he will become protective of you. He will be concerned about your safety and wellbeing. He might tell you not to drive at night and not because he wants to control you, but because he cares and does not want you to be harmed in any way.
When he thinks that it is not safe, he might opt to drive you, or tell you to sleep over. If you have to drive alone at night or a long-distance, he will call to check if you have arrived safely.
Sometimes when crossing the street, he will want to hold your hand so that cars do not bump you. Or if someone offends you, he might confront them. He acts like a big brother to you.
Sometimes he seems to forget that you were able to take care of yourself without him. If you feel like you have gained a big brother, it is a sign that he wants you to be his girlfriend soon.
7. He responds to your texts timely
When a man has strong feelings for you, he will be quick to respond to your texts. He will never leave your texts hanging like he never saw them or make an excuse that he forgot to respond.
When a man does not respond to texts during certain times it can a red flag that you are dating a married man or he is in other relationships.
8. He allows you to come to his place at anytime
Signs he wants you to be his girlfriend soon is when he allows you to visit him at his place at any time. If he allows you access to his place, it can be a sign that he is not in a serious relationship with anyone.
Some men will only invite you to their place at a time that is convenient for them and quickly want you to leave. But if a man is comfortable with your presence at his place, it can be a good sign.
Some men only want to come to see you at your place and do not allow you to visit them which can be a major red flag you dating a married man.
9. He tells you that you should leave some of your belongings at his place
If you seem to have been meeting with him every other day and he suggests that he should buy toiletries that can stay at his place so that you can sleep over easily, it is a sign that he will make you his girlfriend soon. A man will not tell you to leave your belongings or mark your territory if he does not see a future with you.
10. He has introduced you to his friends and family

If he has already introduced you to his friends or family, it is a good sign that he wants you to be his girlfriend soon. A guy normally does not introduce a woman he is not sure about to his family especially his mom or child. He wants to avoid introducing different faces to them.
If his friends already know about you and you sometimes chill with some of his couple friends, it is a good sign he is falling in love with you and he sees a future with you.
11. He is open to you
A man who sees a future with you will open up to you. He will want you to know him better and he will be willing to answer all the questions that you ask him.
He will tell you his past experiences, his upbringing, occupation, family including kids if he has, past relationships, his hobbies and interests, fears, dislikes, beliefs, and values.
A man who wants to make you his will even be vulnerable around you, he will allow you to see the weaker side of him which other people do not know. If a man can be vulnerable to you, it is one of the signs he wants you to be his girlfriend soon.
12. When you ask him to do something he does it
A man who likes will always want to impress you and will want to build trust. So if you happen to ask him to do something for you, he will do it. He hardly ever refuses when it comes to you. And you can count on him to deliver.
If you need help with manpower, he is your guy, or if you need him to buy you something on his way to you, he does it. If this man always goes out of his way to help you, then it is a sign he wants you to be his girlfriend soon. A man will not be consistent in delivering if he is not in love with you.
13. He remembers your birthday and other important dates
If you have mentioned that your birthday is coming up, he will remember and do something special for you. He will even ask you what your plans for your birthday are because he is planning to take you out. He might also give you a gift.
When a man has no intentions of making you his girlfriend soon, he does not see the need to memorize your birthday and even give you a gift, unless if you have forced him to do it.
He will also value days like Valentine’s Day for your sake and do something special for you. Most guys do not like celebrating Valentine’s Day, so if they celebrate the day with you, it means that you are very special to them.
READ MORE: Signs an older man is falling in love with you
14. He notices the little things about you
When a man wants you to be his girlfriend, he will notice the finer details about you that most people would ignore. He will notice if your clear face now has breakouts, or if you have gained weight or lost it, if you have changed your hairstyle or you are wearing a new outfit or your mood has changed.
15. He compromises for your sake
If you mention that you want to go shopping, he might agree to go with you. Most men hate shopping, especially shopping with a woman since women can be so indecisive. If he agrees to do such a daunting task with you, then he is head over heels with you and wants you to be his girlfriend soon.
16. He values your opinion
When a man sees a future with you, he will run to you before he makes decisions. He will ask you what you think of his outfit or the next furniture that he wants to purchase. If he got a job offer at a place that is far from you, he will want to hear what you think about it.
When the decisions that he makes seem to revolve around your preferences, it is one of the clear signs he wants you to be his girlfriend soon.
17. He keeps you updated about most things
If a man thinks you should know what he gets up to, there is a good chance he sees a future with you. He will update you about what he did at work, whom he was with, what he ate, funny or serious things that happened at work, etc. When a man is comfortable sharing insignificant or even boring details with you, then you are the one for him.
18. He invites you along
If a man wants to know what you will be doing a day or even a week from now it is a good sign. Or if he invites you to go watch football with him, or invites you to a family gathering or to church or a work event, it is a good sign that he wants you to be his girlfriend soon.
19. He does thoughtful gestures for you
Sometimes he might just surprise you with your favourite treats, or book tickets to an event that you love. Sometimes it can even be fixing an item of yours that was broken or even just offering to take your car for a wash.
20. He wants to meet your family and friends
When a man is serious about you, he will show interest in wanting to meet your close circle. He will suggest that he wants to meet them or if you happen to tell him that they want to meet up with him, he will gladly agree.
He also will not mind attending your family and friends’ events with you because he sees a future with you. When a man does not mind being seen by your friends and family, and is kind to them, and makes an effort to create a good impression when he is with them, it is one of the signs he wants you to be his girlfriend soon.
21. He is already making future plans with you
When a man likes you and sees a future with you, you will hear it in the way he talks. Does his plans seem to include you or they are only about him? Does he ever mention the idea of you moving in with him or a place that he wants to go with you in future?
If a man is forward-looking and not only focused on a day’s fun, then it is a sign he wants you to be his girlfriend soon.
22. He pays attention to you
When a man is falling in love with you he will enjoy listening to you. Conversations will not only be about him and praising him, but he will want you to feel free to talk to him about anything. He will also ask you questions and be interested in your views.
When a man only talks about himself, brags about what he has or what he can do, and minimizes your feelings; then the future does not seem too bright for you.
23. He asks your friends about you
If a man talks to your friends about you, asks for your contact details, ask if you are in a relationship, what you like, or what gift he can get for you, it is one of the signs he will make you his girlfriend soon. He would not ask your friends about you if he was not serious about you.
24. He shows you public affection

When a man is serious about you, he will not fear being seen in public with you. He will also hold your hands, hug you, kiss you. He might even do walks in the park and agree to a picnic.
25. He celebrates with you
If you have just received great news like being accepted at a job or school, he will want to take you out or pop the bottle and celebrate your achievements. You will see that he is genuinely happy for you.
Also, when he has celebratory moments, like passing or getting a promotion or buying a new car, he will call you or come and celebrate with you.
26. He shares with you his passwords or pin numbers
When a man starts giving you his phone pin or bank card pin it is a sign that he trusts you and wants you to be his girlfriend soon.
READ: What to check on his phone
27. The relationship is beyond physical intimacy
When you are with him, it is not just about physical intimacy, the relationship is on a deeper level. Even if you can be on your periods, he will still want you close to him. When you are together, you chill, chat, crack jokes and do various activities together.
28. He has changed for you
If he has told you that he has stopped doing certain things since you came into the picture it is a sign he wants you to be his girlfriend soon. If he tells you that he has deleted dating apps, became less outgoing, stopped being a player or became disciplined financially, or even started being adventurous because of your positive influence in his life, then he sees you in his future.
29. He gossips with you
If a guy can freely talk about his family members, friends, or colleagues to you and say good or bad things about them, it is a sign that he trusts you and he wants you to be his girlfriend soon.
30. He has clearly expressed his feelings for you
If a man has already told you that he loves you, you make him happy and you are what he wants in a woman, then it is a clear sign he wants you to be his girlfriend soon.
Signs he will never make you his girlfriend

- He ignores most of your calls and texts
- He hardly checks up on you
- He makes excuses when you want to see him
- He does not pitch up for dates or forgets about them
- He is in a committed relationship
- He does not want to be seen in public with you
- He has never taken you out on a date
- His friends do not know about you
- His life is a mystery and you don’t seem to know much about him
- He has already said that he is not ready for a serious relationship
- He did not buy you a gift on your birthday
- He is constantly disappointing you
- He is always angry and moody around you; he never seems happy to see you
- He forgets most of the things you say to him
- He does not compliment you; you feel like you are not good enough when you are with him
READ MORE: Signs he’s not into you
How long should you date before being in a relationship
There is no set time frame, people are different. Some people can be in a relationship after the third date, while other couples can take above two months.
Some people may want to take things slow while others want to move fast because they are already convinced that you are what they want.
Mic.com makes reference to a dating survey conducted by TimeOut that people decide to be exclusive after six dates and officially declare themselves as a couple after nine dates.
How long before a guy asks you to be his girlfriend
According to relationship sort out, you should wait 4 weeks and not more than that. So if a man has not asked you out to be his girlfriend after two months you might want to make your move which is to make the first move or move out of his life.
Signs he sees you as girlfriend material
- He is able to open up to you and talk to you about basically anything; current affairs, career, business, plans and his emotions.
- He asks for your opinion. If he often asks for advice from you then he sees you as girlfriend material.
- He listens to you and remembers what you have said to him.
- Even when you deny him physical intimacy, he still sticks with you and enjoy your company.
- His talks are less about intimacy and more about getting to know you and making you happy.
- He compliments you on your appearance and character
- He wants you to meet his friends and family
- He does not mind being seen in public places with you
- He makes an effort when he takes you on a date and he takes you to places that you want.
- He appreciates the love or care that you show him.
- He loves spending time with you.
Signs he wants you in his future
These are the things a guy will do when he wants you in his future:
- He will introduce you to his family and friends
- He will suggest that you move in together
- He will consult you on most decisions he takes like his next job or purchase
- He may suggest you own a pet together or work on a charity project together
- He talks about starting a family with you
Signs he wants to date you

So you have met a guy who is showing interest in you and you are wondering if it is just a fling or its signs he wants to date you? This is how you can confirm:
- He calls and texts you often
- He has told you that he is looking for a serious relationship
- You have gone for several dates together
- He buys you gifts on special occasions
- He always helps you when you ask for his help
- He wants you to meet his friends or family
- He invites you to events
- He is jealous of your male friends
- He always responds to your calls and texts
- He compliments you often