Are you wondering if your guy friend or colleague has a crush on you? Do you want to confirm it without raising any suspicion? Then you are at the right place because this article will show you sure signs he secretly likes you but is hiding it.
Some men are not expressive and knowing if he likes you or not can help you plan your next move. The reason why some men hide their feelings is that they are still observing you, and trying to win you over at the same time. Other men are secretive about their feelings for fear of being rejected.
When a man likes you, you will see it through his actions. But sometimes these actions can easily be mistaken for a guy who is too friendly or too kind.
You want to read these signs carefully because sometimes his silence can mean that he is not interested in you in that way or does not see a future with you, but he does not want to offend you by telling you directly.
Table of Contents
- Signs he secretly likes you but is hiding it
- How do you know if a guy is hiding his feelings for you?
- How do you know if a guy likes you but doesn’t show it?
- Signs he secretly likes you body language
- Signs he likes you but is hiding it over text
Signs he secretly likes you but is hiding it
1. He checks up on you often
One of the clear signs he secretly likes you but is hiding it is the frequency of the chats that he has with you. Check his patterns when it comes to the following:
- How often does he text you?
- How often does he call you?
- How often does he pay you a visit or come to where you are at?
If your answer is almost daily to any one of the above questions, it is a clear sign that he likes you more than a friend.
2. He wants to spend time with you
When a man likes you, he will spend a significant amount of time with you. He will always find an excuse to hang out with you.
If he is your colleague or your schoolmate and you have doubts about him liking you, a great indicator will be that he still wants to spend time with you even after the project has run its course. He still wants to meet up with you outside of working hours.
A guy who likes you will even begin to hang around your chillout spots so that he can see you often. If you go to the same gym, he will even change his timeslot so that it can match with yours.
If you use the same public transport, he will always want to sit next to you. Or if happen to be in the same room, he will choose to sit next to you even if his friends are around.
3. He wants you to notice him.
When has caught feelings for you, he will show you signs that he wants you to notice him. If you are a group of friends or a team of colleagues, he will single you out and come speak to you most of the time. He will even change the way that he talks or even become neater for you. i.e he might groom more often or buy new clothes.
Also, be careful because it can also be signs of someone who is a narcissist because such a person loves attention.
4. He is always happy to see you
When a man is falling in love with you, he will always be happy to see you. He will have a certain glow and smile that you cannot miss. He cannot keep a serious face when he is around you; it is like seeing you brightens up his day.
5. He seems happy to hear from you
A man who likes you will seem genuinely happy to hear from you when you call him. He enjoys hearing your voice and he is happy when you also notice him and give him attention. Even when you talk through text, you will see that he looks forward to your texts and appreciates them.
6. He responds to your call and texts almost instantly
When a man likes you, he will answer all your calls and texts back almost instantly. If you cannot get hold of him, it means that he was busy, but when he is free, he will definitely return the call and respond to your texts.
When you have to chase a guy, it may be a sign that he is not into you. Someone who loves you will always make your communication with him a priority.
When you want a man to be serious about you, it is important not to leave more than two missed calls or send other texts while he has not responded to the previous ones.
7. He is jealous
He is not happy when he sees you with other men, although he knows that you are not dating. He acts like a jealous boyfriend when you mention other guys in his presence.
You will notice that he is jealous through his comments about the other guys or he might try to keep his distance after he has seen you with a guy. Such behaviour can be a great giveaway that he loves you secretly because it is human nature to get jealous when you see someone that you love with someone else.
8. He notices everything about you
Because he pays so much attention to you, he notices when something has changed in your image, behaviour, or patterns. He will notice if you have changed your hairstyle, if you are wearing a new dress or if you have done your makeup differently. And when he spots it, he will let you know by complimenting you.
If you are constantly posting online and you stop, he will notice. If you are not at your usual spot, he will also notice. He will also notice if you are happy or sad.
When a man notices every small change, it is signs he is falling in love with you because men pay less attention.
9. He views and likes most of your posts on social media
When a man likes you, he will follow you on social media and he will constantly engage with you. When you post, he will be one of the first people to view, like, and post a comment.
However, some men will not want you to see that they are following you or they might not want the general public to see their comments. So they might not engage much on your posts although they like you.
Read: Signs he wants you to notice him
10. He wants to celebrate special moments with you
He is already treating you as his girlfriend. He wants to spend his special days like his birthday with you. He also invites you when he wants to celebrate his achievements like passing an exam or getting a job or signing a contract etc. If a man does such without formalizing the relationship, it is signs he secretly likes you but is hiding it.
11. He buys you gifts

When a man likes you, he will show it by buying you gifts. He might buy you a special gift on your birthday. And sometimes when he goes somewhere, he might bring you a souvenir.
He might even get you a Christmas gift or even Valentine’s day gift. When a guy does such things, it is a sign that he secretly likes you because guys normally do not do thoughtful gestures for women they do not like.
12. He supports you
When a man likes you, he will offer you both emotional and physical support. If you happen to go through a family crisis like a funeral, he will be there for you. Even if you’ve had a bad day at work, you know that you can confide in him.
If there is a project that you are doing or a product that you are selling, he will support you and even help you find more clients. He supports your dreams, and he encourages you to go on.
13. He is always available for you
When you call him you always find him. And when you want to meet up with him, he avails himself; he does not come up with excuses. If a man is always available for you, it is a good sign that he likes you but is hiding it.
When a man is not into you, he will ignore you and only want to meet up with you when he wants to sleep with you or when he is bored.
14. His friends know about you
When a man likes a woman, he will normally tell his friend first before he makes a move on her. If his friends already seem to know so much about you like your name, occupation, and achievements, it is a good sign he has strong feelings for you.
15. He shares intimate details of his life with you
He will open up to you about his life experiences including the deepest things that he normally does not share with his friends or other people. He will tell you about his upbringing, his family issues, his work environment, his past relationships, and even things that are confidential.
When a man is comfortable opening up to you and being vulnerable around you, it is one of the signs he secretly likes you but is hiding it.
16. Your opinion matters to him
When a man likes you, he will want to consult with you and hear your views. Before he decides on which car to buy, or what gifts he should get for his mom or sibling, he will ask for your recommendations. He will also first come to you when he needs advice or a second opinion on certain matters.
17. You are the first person he calls when he has news
There is that first person that you always call when you have bad news or even good news. Some people call their partners first, while other people call their parents.
Who does he call first when he has news? It might be news of being admitted to the college of choice or winning a competition, or passing an exam or getting a job or it can even be bad news like being involved in an accident or being fired.
If you are the first or second person that he calls when he has news, it means that you are very important to him and he probably likes you more than a friend.
18. He complains when you ignore him
When a man likes you, he will complain when you are not giving him attention. He will complain when you do not pick up his calls or do not respond to his texts. If he thinks that you are angry at him, he will want to know so that he can make amends and get back into your good books.
When a man is not that serious about you, he will easily give up on you; but when he loves you he will make follow-ups.
19. He spies on you
When a man likes you, he will do his research on you. He will ask people about you and also check out your profile and pictures on social media. He will have a secret obsession with you and be up to date with what is happening in your life.
Sometimes he might not react to your posts, but you might notice that he has been checking you out. Also, other people might have told you that he has been asking about you.
20. He invites you to events
He will often ask you what your plans are for the evening or the weekend in advance. He will want to attend certain events with you or even take you out on dates without referencing that it is a date.
He might even invite you to attend some of his family events or even attend weddings and other functions as his plus one. If he is a church guy, he will invite you to come to his church.
21. He remembers the small details
A man who wants you will be attentive to you. He will remember things that you said a while back like important dates or your preferences in terms of food and other things. If you have allergies he will also remember them.
Men are normally not great listeners, but if he remembers the finer details, it is a sign he secretly likes you but is hiding it.
22. He asks you questions about your personal life
When a man likes you, he will want to know you better. He will show interest in your personal life. He will want to know if you are in a relationship, about your family, your hobbies, aspirations, fears, your birthdate, etc.
When a man goes beyond flirting with you to wanting to have a real conversation with you, it is a sure sign that he likes you.
How do you know if a guy is hiding his feelings for you?
When a guy is hiding his feelings for you, you will see it in his body language. He will try to come close to you but some days he might keep his distance as he tries to fight his feelings for you.
When you ask him for a favor, or ask to see him, he will agree. And when you send him a text, he will respond almost instantly.
How do you know if a guy likes you but doesn’t show it?
If a guy likes you, his actions will give it away. It might be in the way he stares at you, the pitch of his voice or how nervous he is around you. He might come to you often and even mimic you and even make jokes about you.
Also check out his body language: Is it welcoming? Where are his feet facing? How does he stand when he is around you? Check out these signs he secretly likes you body language.
Signs he secretly likes you body language
1. He smiles when he sees you
When a man secretly likes you, he will smile everytime he comes across you.
Although some guys do fake a smile, they won’t be able to fake a genuine smile. That is why even if someone can be wearing a face mask, you will still see when they are smiling.
2. He blushes
One of the body language signs he secretly likes you is when he blushes. According to an article in Carta Anthropogeny, blushing in humans strongly correlates with emotional arousal.
3. His body language is welcoming
When a guy secretly likes you, his body gesture will be welcoming. His sitting or standing is more relaxed. He also keeps his forehead pointed towards you.
He will also remove objects that are creating a barrier.
4. His pupils dilate
Another secret sign he likes you is when his eyes dilate or open up when he sees you.
5. The constant staring
When a guy is attracted to you will always catch him looking at you.
6. His mouth opens a little
You might even notice his lips parting when you first make eye contact. This is a nonverbal way of saying, “You just took my breath away from me.”
7. He makes eye contact
The body language of a man secretly in love with you is when he makes eye contact. He will look straight into your eyes for a long time until you also begin to blush. And when he is having a conversation with you, he will also maintain eye contact.
8. His feet are facing you
If a guy points his feet at you, it is one of the body language signs he likes you.
9. He tries to get closer to you
When a man is attracted to you, he will try to get closer to you. He will choose to sit next to you at a restaurant, instead of across from you. Or he might choose to come and sit next to you at an event at work.
He will also lean forward when talking to you. Or he might even evade your personal space. And when standing, he will stand very close to you.
10. He touches you
When a guy secretly likes you, he will find an excuse to touch you. He might ask you for a hug and then he prolongs the hug.
11. He fixes himself
When a man sees someone he likes, he will subconsciously preen himself. He will tuck in his shirt, readjust his tie, fix his hair and even glance at the mirror to make sure his image looks perfect.
12. He is nervous around you
When a guy is attracted to you, he might be nervous around you. His heart might even beat very fast, have sweaty palms and he can even be fidgety. His hands and legs might even shake a bit. He might also fidget his chair meaning that he cannot sit still for too long.
13. He mirrors you
When a man is falling for you or has strong feelings for you, his actions will begin to mirror yours. Mirroring is a way of imitating another person’s body language. Look for mirroring in the following ways:
- He might begin to use the phrases that you use
- Or imitates some of your expressions
- He crosses his arms just like you
Signs he likes you but is hiding it over text

1. He initiates texts
Signs he likes you but is hiding it over text is when he is the one to initiate conversations. He will be the first person to say “hi”, “how are you?” “How was your day?” “what are you doing?”
2. He responds to your texts instantly
Signs he likes over text is when he is very quick to respond to your texts. When you text him, within a couple of minutes he’s already replied.
The speed of his replies is one of the signs he caught feelings through text.
3. He always seems happy to hear from you
If you text him first, you can see the excitement in his response. It is like he has been waiting to hear from you.
4. He does not give short replies
When a man likes you over text, he will not give you one-word answers. He won’t just type one-word responses like “K” “gud” “ok” “yep” “idk”, he will try to type full sentences.
5. He uses emojis to express himself
When a guy likes you over text, he will use emojis. He might blow you a kiss, send plenty of smiles, show a blushing face, send you a hug or a heart.
6. He compliments you a lot
Signs he likes you but is hiding it over text is when he compliments you often. So even through text, you will notice his compliments.
If you post something on your status, he will comment and pass a compliment.
He will compliment how you think or the kind of advice you give him. He might even say he loves talking to you.
7. He asks you a lot of questions
When a guy likes you, he will be curious and inquisitive of you.
He might ask you about your interests, ask if you are in a relationship, what you get up, how your day was, etc because he wants to get to know you better.
He might even say that he likes similar things too (just to impress you so you think you have common interests)
8. He wants to do more than texting
When a guy likes you, he will do more than texting. He will want to call you, or even do a video call. He will also want to meet up with you.
9. He calls you by a pet name
If he uses pet names such as ‘sweetie’ or ‘babe’ or ‘beautiful’ it can be a sign that he likes you over text even if he is hiding it.
Someone who does not like you will not be comfortable using these flirty pet names on you.
10. He shares things with you
When he sees a meme that he likes or a funny video or tweet, he will share it with you because he wants you to know or to laugh as well.
It is not easy to forward certain things to a random person or someone who does not hold a special place in your heart.
Read more: 18 signs he loves you through text