Is he showing signs he regrets sleeping with you? You have slept with a guy and have caught feelings for him, and wonder if he feels the same way about you. But after sleeping with him he’s been acting strangely and you wonder if it is normal or it is signs he regrets sleeping with you.
For most guys, s*x is just s*x, they rarely develop an emotional attachment from it. So if you happen to sleep with a guy and he goes AWOL or he ghosts you after sleeping with him, know that it has nothing to do with you.
Maybe he wanted to sleep with you out of lust and not out of love. So when you have satisfied his sexual urge, he can’t keep you around because his fantasies have been fulfilled.
Or maybe he wanted a distraction and you happened to be available and maybe he thinks that it should not have happened.
Table of Contents
- Signs he regrets sleeping with you
- What do guys think after they sleep with you
- Do guys lose interest if you sleep with them too soon
- Is he still interested after sleeping with me?
- How do you know if a guy just wants to sleep with you
- How to get over regretting sleeping with someone
Here are 11 signs he regrets sleeping with you
Signs he regrets sleeping with you
1. You no longer get hold of him when you call
One of the clear signs that he regrets sleeping with you is when you no longer reach him when you call him.
At first, you might think that he is busy and will call you when he gets a chance, but even after leaving several missed calls and voice messages, he still does not return your calls.
2. He ignores your texts
When you text him after sleeping with him, he blueticks you or he does not even open your texts. If he seems to be ignoring you while you can see that he is online, it is a clear sign that he regrets sleeping with you.
Read more: How to deal with being ignored by someone you love
3. He no longer chases after you
When a guy does not seem to be chasing after you anymore, he no longer checks up on you, or no longer asks to meet with you, then it is a sign he regrets sleeping with you.
If he did not regret he would initiate contact, be concerned about your wellbeing, and want to spend time with you so that you can hookup again.
4. He is suddenly too busy for you
If you call him and he answers your call, he will tell you that he is busy and will call you back shortly. But shortly becomes never and when you ask him why he has not called you back, he will come up with a different excuse.
5. His texts have become brief
If he does respond to your texts, he answers them in one or two words. He makes it impossible to have a meaningful conversation with him. If it seems like he is no longer interested in talking to you, then it is one of the signs he regrets sleeping with you.
Even if you bump into him, he will act like he is in a rush and does not have time to talk to you.
6. He has an excuse when you want to see him
When you want to see him, he will have an excuse. He will tell you that he is busy, or traveling or even out of town. It seems like you have become the one begging for his attention.
7. He always cancels on you
After he has slept with you, he will no longer honor appointments. If he agrees to meet up with you, he will disappoint you on the day of your meeting. He will not pitch, and he will not even bother giving you notice prior.
And when you call him to find out where he is, he might ignore your call or apologise and tell you that he was caught up elsewhere.
8. Your meetings have become short
If you meet up with him after sleeping with him, you are only with him for a limited time. He will tell you that he must rush somewhere and will see you some other time. It kind of feels like he can no longer stand being in your presence.
Also when he is with you, he seems distracted. He keeps himself busy with other things.
9. He does not entertain you when you hint that you should meet up again
After sleeping with him, if you mention that this weekend you are free, he will not entertain you. He will choose to be diplomatic with you and act like he did not take notice of what you said.
10. He does not flirt with you anymore
If he no longer flirts with you, compliments your appearance, touches you, moves too close to you, or even try to sneak a kiss, it can be a sign he regrets sleeping with you.
11. He blocks you so you won’t reach him
A more definite sign he regrets sleeping with you is when he blocks you on social media and also blocks your calls.
When he feels like you are not getting the message that he is not interested in you, he might choose to block you. So when you call him you will never be able to reach him until you call using a different number.
Read more: 17 Signs he’s not into you
What do guys think after they sleep with you

There are so many things that guys think about after sleeping with you, but there are also times when they don’t think anything. For most men, s*x is just s*x, it does not mean much to them. Here are some of the common things men think about after sleeping with a woman
- Yeah, I just got laid
- I can’t wait to tell the guys about the hookup
- I hope the condom did not break
- I hope she is on a contraceptive
- Did I make her come?
- I hope she does not think I want a serious relationship
- I hope she does not think I’ll marry her.
- Did I last long enough?
- I hope she enjoyed me
- I hope there is no drama
- Wow she knows her game
- I think she is not as good as …
- I hope my girlfriend or wife never finds out
- We should definitely hook up again
Do guys lose interest if you sleep with them too soon
Some women have slept with a man on the first date and got married, while others have waited weeks or months before sleeping with a man but after intercourse the man distanced himself.
So the short answer is not really, a man does not lose interest if you sleep with him too soon. If a man really likes you, he will stay interested in you whether you sleep with him or not.
If a man loses interest after sleeping with you, it just means that he was never really interested in you, he only just wanted to sleep with you. So once you sleep with him, it means that his mission has been accomplished, so there is no longer a need to keep you close.
Or he slept with you in a moment of weakness, or he wanted a distraction and you were available and not because he wants to make you his girlfriend.
Or maybe after sleeping with you he realized that there is no connection and there will never be, so he rather not waste his time with you.
Is he still interested after sleeping with me?
It depends what his intentions were even before he slept with you. If his intentions were to hit and run, obviously he will not be interested after sleeping with you.
If he is still interested after sleeping with you, he will do the following:
- He will still want to spend time with you
- He will still contact you often
- He will introduce you to his friends and family
- He won’t ignore your calls and texts
- He will be available when you want to see him
Read more: 25 Signs he has strong feelings for you
So if he does not do any of these, it is a sign he is no longer interested after sleeping with you
How do you know if a guy just wants to sleep with you

1. He is in already in a serious relationship
If you already know that the guy is in a serious relationship or he is married, chances are that when he pursues you, he only just wants to sleep with you.
Read more: 15 Clear signs a married man wants to sleep with you
2. He is focused on your appearance
If he is only focused on your outward appearance and none of your other subtle features like how you think or so, chances are that he only wants to sleep with you.
3. He does not take you out to public spaces
If he has never taken you out on a proper date, all your meetings are just indoors, it can be a sign he just wants to sleep with you.
4. He gets angry if you refuse to sleep with him
If he gets angry after you have refused to sleep with him, ignores your calls, and no longer wants to meet up with you, then it is a sign he just wants to sleep with you
5. All conversations are sexual
All conversations that you have with him, turn into sexual conversations. He is not really interested in getting to know you better.
How to get over regretting sleeping with someone

If you have noticed that you have been played after sleeping with him and you are feeling used, here are 4 steps you should take.
1. Don’t blame yourself
You might be blaming yourself for sleeping with him, but don’t, anyone can be a victim of a hit and run. Know that the issue is not with you but with him.
2. Forgive yourself
Forgive yourself for catching feelings for someone who was never right for you and move on from it. And since you know their true colours and know what they are capable of, it means that they would not have been the right partner for you.
3. Take learnings
Take these as a lesson for the next guy that you will meet. If he is already in a committed relationship or shows signs that he only wants to sleep with you, then refuse to sleep with him.
4. Date again
Just because you misjudged his intentions, it does not mean that you must close off other opportunities. Sometimes it is a trial and error and you never know when you will meet your Mr. Right. So date again, but do it smarter.
Read more: How to move on from someone you love
Why do guys change after you sleep with them?
It is not that they change, maybe you changed after sleeping with them. Maybe after sleeping with them you became emotionally attached and felt like they owed you a relationship.
According to Double Trust Dating, guys normally fake an emotional connection just to sleep with you.
So they normally tell lies or flirt with you just so that they can sleep with you because if they were to tell you straight up that they only want to sleep with you, you would refuse. After sleeping with you it means that the deal is concluded and there is nothing more that binds you together.
Do guys think about you after a hookup
Yes, guys do think about you after a hookup, unless if they were too intoxicated to remember any of the events. If they felt like you were amazing, they might arrange another hookup. Or if they feel like their expectations were not met, they might decide to ignore you.
They will also hope that you won’t be dramatic, you will not expect them to marry you just because you slept together.
What he thinks after you sleep with him?
He will be thinking about his own performance and if you were impressed by him. If he is not interested in you, he will hope that you will not expect a serious relationship after the encounter.
He might even make comparisons and rate your skills against the other people he has slept with.
If he is genuinely interested in you and it was not amazing, he will hope that with time it improve.
Can a man forget a woman he slept with?
Not really, unless if he was highly intoxicated. Maybe he has not forgotten you but he has forgotten the experience because it was not so wow, or because the encounter never meant anything to him.