Am I overthinking or he is losing interest? Many of us have asked ourselves that question at some point in our relationships. These 15 signs a guy is losing interest through text will help you come to the right conclusion.
When a guy is losing interest, the signs are visible, we just choose to ignore them because we are too in love. You can even see the signs he’s losing interest through his texting behavior.
Change Him mentions 17 reasons why men lose interest in a woman. When a guy loses interest, it does not always mean that there is another woman in the picture, there might be other underlying issues like:
- Maybe he never really loved you, you were just a fling, he only wanted you for your body. Maybe he even regrets sleeping with you; or
- He’s won you over so he’s just become too comfortable; or
- His life has taken an unexpected turn like losing a job, or a business contract or a loved one; or
- He fears commitment because the relationship is getting too serious; or
- He is angry over something you did. So he is ignoring you in order to get your attention or he wants you out of his life.
Most men are not good at breakups, so they might not tell you straight up that they want a breakup. They just hope that you will be able to interpret the signs.
Table of Contents
Signs a guy is losing interest through text
1. He no longer initiates texts
One of the clear signs a guy is losing interest through text is when he no longer texts you first. He used to love texting you and not a single day would go by without chatting to you.
But now, days can go by without receiving a text or a call from him. And when you ask him why he stopped communicating, he gives you lame excuses and still continues with the silence.
2. He no longer responds to all your texts
Before, he used to respond to all your texts; he would never leave any of your texts hanging.
But now, he ignores some of your texts or pretends as if he never saw them. If a guy no longer responds to your texts, it is a sign he is losing interest.
3. He takes time to reply
Previously, or when he was still chasing you, he used to be quick to reply to your texts. But of late, he only sends his responses hours later. If this is happening in your relationship, it is also one of the signs a guy is losing interest through text.
4. He’s always too busy to text
Previously, he always made time to text you and respond to your texts. But suddenly he has become too busy that he cannot even spare a minute to say “Hi, was just checking up on you. It’s too busy on my side, we will talk when I get a chance.”
If a guy tells you that he is too busy, and he only says it after you have complained or made follow-ups, it is a sign he is losing interest.
5. His replies are too short
He used to type long responses before, but now it feels like you are forcing him to talk to you or he is always not in the mood to talk.
When you ask him a question, he just types one-word responses like “K” or “gud” or “ok” while before he would type full sentences.
6. He no longer asks you questions
He has stopped giving you attention. Before, the conversations would flow because he would give you attention and asks you questions.
Now he no longer even asks you how your day was, what you got up to, and what you are doing. It is like he has stopped caring.
Even if you can say you are not fine, he will just say “okay” instead of asking you why you are not fine.
7. He is always too tired to text
He used to text you a lot before, but now he has become unavailable. He will tell you that he was sleeping, or he is too tired so he wants to sleep early. If he behaves this way, it can even be signs he’s cheating on you that is why he could not talk to you.
If he no longer seems eager to text you, then know that he is clearly losing interest.
8. He’s online but he does not respond to your texts
You have sent him a message and you can see that he is online and so many minutes or hours have passed without getting a response from him. Or he has even read your text, but he blueticked you.
It feels like you are being ghosted, then it is a huge sign a guy is losing interest through text.
9. He no longer compliments you
You used to get a lot of compliments and praises from him. He would compliment you for the way you think, he would even comment on your posts.
But now when you post something on your status he acts as if he did not see it. Even if you can send him a picture directly in his inbox, he says nothing or he just says “nice”.
10. He no longer confides you in you
Before, he used to talk to you about everything. He would chat to you about his day, the project he is busy with, his plans, ask for your advice and he even gossiped with you.
But lately, he has become too quiet. You have no idea what he gets up to because he is a closed book.
If you are no longer his confidant, it is a sign he is losing interest. Or maybe you have leaked certain information so he feels like he cannot trust you anymore.
11. He no longer talks about meeting up with you
When a man loves you, he will always want to see you. Before he always requested to see you, but now he has stopped asking when are you coming to see him.
If it does not make a difference to him whether he sees you or not, then it is a sign a guy is losing interest.
12. He always cancels your plans
Signs a guy is losing interest through text is when he is always canceling on you. When you make plans to meet, he won’t even tell you in advance that it is no longer happening. You will just conclude because he will be ignoring your texts and calls. Or sometimes he will just say “sorry, something came up.”
13. He’s stopped inviting you to events
He used to invite you to come along with him when he was attending an event. But now he no longer tells you about it, you just see it when he posts pictures or he mentions it to you in passing.
14. He only contacts you when he wants a favor or a booty call
He used to text you because he loved talking to you and not because he wanted you to do something for him.
So now if he only texts you when he wants a favor from you or when he wants to sleep with you it is a sign a guy is losing interest through text or he pretends to love you.
15. He does not flirt with you through text
If a guy has stopped calling you sweet pet names or sending flirty emojis, it is a sign’s losing interest.
What to do when you feel someone is losing interest

If you notice that your partner is losing interest this is what you can do:
1. Talk to him
Sometimes people do not lose interest because they have fallen out of love, but it might be because of something you have done.
So talk to him to find out if you are still cool or if there is something that is bothering him because you have noticed that something has changed. I suggest you talk to him in person or over a call.
So it is either he will tell what is eating him up or he will tell you that you are just imagining things.
But please be calm, do not be confrontational or ask him in an accusing manner.
Also mention how it makes you feel when he is no longer giving you attention. Tell him that it makes you feel like he is losing interest in you and you feel unloved.
Read more: How to deal with being ignored by someone you love
2. Give him space
After talking to him please give him some space. Use this time to work on yourself and love yourself.
If he starts to give you attention then that is great but if he still continues being quiet please don’t be pushy. Don’t text him or call him. Wait for him to contact you first.
Also, read these 25 signs he doesn’t love you so that you can come to the right conclusion and make the right decision.
Signs a girl is losing interest through text
When a girl is losing interest through text she will no longer respond to your text. Her responses will be brief. She will tell you that she is too busy. She won’t initiate any conversations; she will only respond to your texts.
How to tell if he’s losing interest or just comfortable?
Most men, when they are still chasing after a woman, they give her so much attention. They will constantly text her, call her and buy her gifts. But once they are in a relationship, they will get too comfortable. They stop doing all the nice things they used to do, but it does not mean that they have fallen out of love.
If a man has stopped texting you, but you still talk on the phone daily, or still spend quality time together, it is not a sign he lost interest. But if he no longer initiates any form of contact, then he’s losing interest.