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Benefits of marriage for a man

Society pushes men to get married when they reach a certain age. However, only a few married men have positive things to say about marriage. A lot of men are frustrated in their marriages, just as much as women are also frustrated. There are great benefits of marriage for a man, but if he is with the wrong spouse, he will not reap those benefits.

Proverbs 18:22 says that he who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord. This just shows that finding a woman who is worthy of being a wife is not an easy task, because not every woman is a wife. A wrong wife will make a man’s life miserable and his life will become worse than when he was single.

Some people can argue and say that there is no need for a man to get married because if he needs a clean house or clean clothes he can just hire a maid. Or if he needs food he can buy takeouts or make it himself. Or if he needs sex he can buy it or get it from girlfriends and when he wants kids he can also get them from a girlfriend.

Yes, it is true that most things that can be done by a wife can be purchased but what if you need a home? You can have a house but will it be a home? It is only a wife who can turn it into a home. A woman is able to bring in the magic touch in a man’s life.

Here are some of the benefits of being married to a good wife.

1. You have someone to take care of you

The benefits of marriage for a man is that you have someone to take care of you. The only other person who can be able to genuinely take care of you other than your mother is your wife. A wife will take care of you when you are sick and not capable of taking care of yourself.

When you are married, a wife will ensure that you have a clean house, clean and ironed clothes and she will even prepare meals. Please note that even if a woman does not do those tasks herself, she will hire a helper who can do these tasks on her behalf. A wife can even act as your reminder, alarm and even psychologist.

2. A man becomes more focused

Having a wife is similar to having a boss. A boss keeps you in check and ensures that you perform and meet targets. A great boss can even stretch you to do things you never thought you can do. Most married men say that their wives are too controlling, which is true. But it is the wife’s controlling nature that makes a married man seem more stable, responsible, and successful than their single friends.

When you are married, you can no longer go out the entire weekend with friends and don’t account to anyone. There is no woman who wants a husband who does not come back home or a man who spends most of his money on entertainment. A woman’s protectiveness helps a man to be focused. And when a man is focused he is able to channel his mind on the things which really matter, like putting his plans into action because he now has the time to do so.

3. He has a relationship with his kids

The benefits of marriage for a man is that he will have a proper relationship with the kids made in the marital home. Let’s be honest, men are not good at fostering relationships with their kids if they do not stay with the mother of the kids. Sometimes men are not even given access to kids born out of wedlock.

The benefit of marriage is that you get an opportunity to be a dad to your kids on a daily basis. You are able to teach them, impart values and principles without having to delegate the task.

4. You have financial back up

The benefits of marriage for a man is that he has financial back up. As much as people still want to believe that a man is a provider, the reality is that some women make way more money than men. If you are married to a woman who makes more money or who is independent, it means that you also benefit financially from her. You don’t have to feel the financial burden of running the household alone.

Also, you are able to pursue your dreams while your woman temporarily takes care of the household affairs. And if you lose your source of income, you know that someone will still be able to take care of you and the kids.

Read: benefits of marriage for a woman  

5. Society takes you more seriously

Another benefit of marriage for a man is that society takes you more seriously when married. You are taken seriously at church, organizations, and even in business. People perceive married men to be more responsible and reliable.

Not only do people take you seriously, but more women become physically attracted to you. Women find a married man attractive because they perceive him to be stable and responsible. A married man knows how to treat women because his wife has taught him how she wants to be treated.

6. A shift in the mindset

When you are married and have kids with your wife, your mindset will change. After marriage, you don’t just only think about yourself or only the present, you also think about the future. You are not as playful as you were before because you have people that you are living for.

Your goals even become bigger. You don’t only think about just driving a nice car in order to impress your friends, but you want an entire package. An entire package includes a great home, great cars,  great family set-up so that your wife and kids can be happy.

Being able to provide for his family is what gives a married man the drive. A married man thinks about what he will leave behind for his family when he passes away.

7.     You don’t have lie or spend money if you want to get laid

A benefit of marriage for a man is that you can have sex with your wife when you feel like it. You don’t have to first make calls or tell women lies or pay money just so that you can get laid. A married man can have sex on demand, although some couples have sex less frequently after getting married.

8. Cheaper insurance

Did you know that your marital status also plays a role in your insurance premium? A great benefit of marriage for a man is that the insurance premium is discounted based on the marital status.

9. Marriage has financial benefits

Another great benefit of marriage for a man is that it comes with financial benefits. Although the standard of living increases when you are married compared to when you are still single, a married man is able to put his money into good use than a man without responsibilities. According to Men & Marriage: Debunking the Ball and Chain Myth,  the study suggests that a married man has three times more assets than his single peers.

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