25 Signs An Older Man Is Falling In Love With You
Are you currently dating an older man and want to know if he is showing signs he is falling in love with you or you are worried that he pretends to love you?
Or is an older man pursuing you or showing signs that he likes you, but want to confirm if he is falling in love with you or just wants to be a father figure to you?
When a guy is older, he is perceived to be mature because he might be more experienced when it comes to relationships. And he might not even behave like guys who are your peers, so it can be quite tricky to know if you are interpreting the love signs correctly.
Classifying someone as an “older man” is relative. What should the age gap be for you to classify him as an older man? Some women classify a man as an older man if he is 5 years older, while for others the age gap has to be above 10 years or even 20 years. And for some, it can even be a man over 50 who is showing signs that he likes you.
Table of Contents
- 25 Signs an older man is falling in love with you
- How do you tell if a man over 50 likes you?
- How do you know if an older man is interested in you?
- How long does it take for an older man to fall in love?
- How does a man act when he falls deeply in love
- Physical signs he’s falling for you
- Signs he loves you when making love
25 Signs an older man is falling in love with you
1. He does not care what other people think of the relationship
If you are in a relationship with an older man, chances are that he might have been in other serious relationships before, or he was probably even married he just got divorced. Or he might even have kids.
His friends, family, and kids might not be in favour of him dating a younger woman, because they think that you are immature and only after his money.
But when he is falling in love with you, he will not care about other people’s opinions of you. He will still choose to be with you despite the age gap or other people’s disapproval.
2. He introduces you to his friends and family
When an older man introduces you as his woman to his friends and family, it is a sign he is falling in love with you.
If he also introduces you to his kids, it is a definite sign an older man is falling in love with you. Men rarely introduce women they are not serious about to their family and kids because they do not want to confuse them.
3. He wants to meet your friends and family
If an older man agrees to meet your family or suggests that he wants to meet them, it is a sign that he is falling in love with you. If he was just playing you he would not want to meet with them.
Also, it takes a lot of courage for an older man to meet up with the parents of his younger woman because her parents might ask him a lot of uncomfortable questions with regards to his past and age. So if he agrees to place himself through such awkwardness, it is a good sign that an older man is falling for you.
Meeting up with a woman’s friends also requires a lot of courage, because women have a tendency of talking too much and being judgemental. So if he still wants to put himself out there and open the door for your friends to discuss him, then it is a sure sign he is serious about the relationship.
4. He checks up on you often
Signs an older man is falling for you is when he checks on you often. He will want to speak to you almost daily. Sometimes he will not have anything new to say, but he just enjoys hearing your voice and your laugh.
5. He wants to spend quality time with you
When an older man is falling in love with you, he will want to spend time with you. He might be working and have a hectic work schedule, but he will slot in time to be with you. He enjoys your company and it is not just about physical intimacy.
He will take you out on dates, go places with you, do both indoor and outdoor meetings just so that he can be able to spend sufficient time with you.
6. He is affectionate in public
When a married man is falling in love with you, he will have no fear of being affectionate in public. If he can still hold your hands, take you places, then it is a clear sign that an older man is falling in love with you.
He does not even fear that people might report his new relationship to his ex-partners or family members, he just wants to make you feel loved. Society is still judgemental over a huge age gap and normally tease such a couple of being father and child. But when a man is in love, he will not be bothered by such comments.
7. He is teachable
Times have changed and since he is from an older generation, there are certain things that he might not know. But when you show him and he is willing to learn, it is a sign an older man is falling in love with you. He is willing to be relevant for your sake.
Maybe his dress sense might be outdated, but he is open-minded to try out new things. Or maybe he is struggling with technology, but he allows you to teach him.
8. He treats you like his equal partner
The thing about dating an older man is that he is more experienced and knowledgeable and he might expect the younger generation to treat him as an elder or a father.
But when you are with him you do not feel like he is the boss and you are just a child or he is an older brother and you are the younger sibling; you feel like you are equals.
He treats you with respect and values your opinion, even if he pays for all the expenses. He does not make you feel like you owe him respect, he treats you like an equal partner.
9. He goes out of his comfort zone for you
When you are dating an older man, chances are that you will have different preferences. You might still want to go out and have a great time, go to clubs, attend certain events or do activities that he has never done before.
But when he agrees to come along with you, it is a sign that he is falling in love with you. He does all these things because he wants to see you happy.
10. He is very supportive
An older man who is falling in love with you will be very supportive. He will offer you physical support, emotional support, and even financial support.
When you are going through a difficult time, he will be physically there to offer his support and when you are celebrating a milestone, he will be there with you.
When you need him to take you somewhere or do something for you, you know that you can count on him. Or when you need money for needs that may arise, you know that he will help you and he might not even expect you to pay him back.
When you receive all these types of support, it is signs an older man is falling in love with you.
11. He opens up about his past
When a man is falling in love with you, he will want to be an open book with you. He will open up about his childhood, embarrassing moments, experiences and also some of his past relationships. He knows that he can trust you and you will not use the information against him.
12. He listens to you

A man who is falling for you will pay attention to you. The relationship goes beyond intimacy or parading your beauty in public. He is always willing to lend an ear and offer you advice where he can. He never tells you that your problems or conversations are childish, or tells you that he is too busy when you want to talk.
When you feel stuck, you know that after talking to him you will feel much better because he helps you come up with solutions.
He even remembers the things that you have said a while back like your birth date, the kind of flowers you like, your dreams, etc.
Men are normally not great listeners, but if he is willing to listen to you, then it is a sign that he is falling in love with you.
13. He does not pressurize you
An older man will be experienced when it comes to relationships, but he will allow the relationship to move at a pace that you are comfortable with. There are certain things you will not be comfortable doing for him, but he will stick around and wait for you to be ready.
Or if you are still scared of introducing him to your family, he will wait for you. If an older man is willing to wait for you, it is one of the signs he is falling in love with you.
14. He talks about the future with you
If an older man says “we” when talking about future events, it is a sure sign that he is falling in love with you. It means that he is with you for the long term and not only just for the great times. If he talks about building a home with you, moving elsewhere with you, or marrying you, or mentions having kids with you, it is a clear sign that he is falling for you.
15. He asks you about the future
When a married man is falling in love with you, he will be interested in knowing your future plans. You will notice that he asks you a lot of questions about the future. He may ask you questions like:
- Where would you prefer to work
- How many kids do you want
- Where do you want to stay
- What are your views on marriage
- Would you be open to the idea of moving?
The reason he asks you such questions is because he is serious about you and wants to plan his future with you.
16. He consults you
When a man is falling for you he will consult you before making any major or even minor decisions. If he gets a job offer in a different state, he will consult you to find out how you feel about it.
When he has to make certain purchases, he will ask you to help him choose. Or before he buys or does something, he will want to know your views.
Or when his family asks him to do something for them, he will inform you and even ask for your advice because he knows that the decisions he takes today might impact your future together.
If you already feel like he involves you in his life, it is one of the signs an older man is falling in love with you.
17. He has told you that he is in love with you
If a man has already told you that he is in love with you and shows you through his actions that he loves you, then it is a definite sign he is falling in love with you.
He will constantly tell you through words and text how much he loves you. When you feel insecure because of the attention he might be receiving from his exes, he still assures you that you are the only woman for him.
18. He appreciates you
When a man is falling in love with you he will show you appreciation. He will tell you how much he loves you and feels lucky to have you in his life. He might even tell you that you make him happy and he feels complete when he is with you.
19. He shares his possessions with you
When a man is falling in love with you, he will not mind sharing some of his items with you. On some days he might borrow you his car, or borrow you his gadgets.
He might even give you keys to his apartment so that you can come in at any time. Or he even borrows you one of his bank cards to use. If a man is willing to share such, then it is signs that he is falling in love with you.
20. He opens up to you about his life
If he is so open about his life, he is able to tell you how much money he makes and he also gives you access to his money and access to his passwords, then it is a good sign that an older man is falling in love with you.
He also feels comfortable sharing what is happening in his life; both the good and bad. He will tell you if he had a good day and he will also confide in you when he is stressed.
21. He loves you just the way you are
He does not try so hard to change you so that you can fit his character, he loves you just the way you are. He still allows you to have a life of your own and he embraces the differences.
22. You are his main girl
If you do not see him flirting with other women or showing interest in other women when he is with you, it is a sign that a man is falling in love with you.
He only has eyes for you when you are with him, and even if other women can call him when he is with you, he will not entertain them.
A man who is in love will make you a priority, he will give you so much attention. He also does not make excuses when you want to meet up with him.
23. He tries to impress you
A man who is falling in love with you will try to impress you. He will shower you with gifts and surprises, or start to listen to your type of music, or tell you sweet flattering words. He might even change his image for you.
24. He is disappointed if you make decisions without consulting him
When a man is falling in love with you, he becomes affected by the decisions that you make. If you tell him that you have accepted an international job offer, he might be disappointed that you did not consider him or that you want to leave him.
If he worries about the future of the relationship, it is a good sign an older man is falling in love with you.
25. He politely tells you when you are wrong
When someone loves you, they will not mislead you, and sometimes it might mean that they have to tell you the kind of truth that you do not want to hear.
If he sees that the relationship with your parents is not right, he might advise you to fix it. Or if he sees that you have bad financial habits, you spend too much money on unnecessary things, he might advise you to work on it.
Someone who does not love you will not care about what you do with your life or future.
How do you tell if a man over 50 likes you?

When a man over 50 likes you, you will see it in the way that he behaves around you, even if he has not confessed his feelings for you. Here is how to tell if a man over 50 likes you:
- He will text you and call you often
- He will ask you about your relationship status
- He will want to spend time with you
- He will act as your financial provider
- He tries to impress you
- He will flirt with you
- He will constantly stare at you
- He lights up when he sees you
Read: Signs a married man is pursuing you
When dealing with a man over 50 it is important to check his marital status because he might just like you so that he can sleep with you and not because he is into you.
How do you know if an older man is interested in you?
When an older man is interested in you he will do the following:
- He tells you how he feels about you
- He flirts with you
- He checks up on you
- He does favours for you
- He is interested in your personal life
- He wants to spend time with you
- He compliments you often
- He opens up to you about his life
How long does it take for an older man to fall in love?
Research says it takes men 88 days on average to say I love you. But it is worth noting that people are different. There are some who fall in love at first sight while others are no longer willing to love due to their experiences in their past relationships.
When dealing with an older man there are various common scenarios:
- He is available because of a breakup; or
- He is divorced; or
- His wife might have passed on; or
- He is still married
Depending on the phase that he is at in his life, he might fall in love quicker or slower. He might want to commit quicker or he might be scared of committing again. So the answer is that it depends on the individual.
How does a man act when he falls deeply in love

When a man falls deeply in love he will do the following:
1. He will want to spend most of his time with you.
When he is in love he will want to spend most of his days with you. He will spend evenings, weekends, holidays and most of his spare time with you.
2. He spends hours on the phone with you
When a man is deeply in love he will constantly text you and call you. He will forward you memes and other things he finds fascinating.
3. He gossips with you
A man will talk freely with a woman that he loves. He even gossips with her or tells her juicy stories.
4. He goes out of his way for you
When a man is deeply in love he will go out of his way to impress the woman that he loves. Whatever that you ask him to do he will do it when he is in love. If it requires money he will spend money, if it requires physical effort like carrying boxes he will also do it.
5. He will take care of your other kids
If you had other kids before meeting him, he will gladly love them and take care of them as his own. If a man can love another man’s kids, it is a clear sign that he is deeply in love with you.
6. He protects you
A man who is deeply in love with you will protect you. He will not want to see you being harmed in any way whether physically or emotionally. He will even protect you against his own family if he sees that they want to offend you or verbally attack you.
Physical signs he’s falling for you
These are some of the physical signs that he’s falling for you
- He smiles or blushes when he sees you
- His breathing might be heavier or deeper because he is a bit nervous
- He wants to do hugs and kisses
- He touches you
- He becomes jealous when he sees you with other men
- He loves staring at you and maintains eye contact when talking to you
- He wants to be your hero and provide you with assistance
- He always looks his best around you
- He wants to impress you
Signs he loves you when making love
When he loves you, making love is about gratification for both parties. He will invest his time in foreplay, kissing, listening to your preferences, and doing it your preferred way. Some people also say that when he gives you eye contact is a sign that he loves you and also what he says during lovemaking.
Personally, I would never assess if a guy loves me only based on signs during lovemaking, I would look at it in conjunction with other true love signs.
Read more: Signs a married man wants to sleep with you