20 Signs he still loves you after breakup
Are missing your ex and wondering if he still loves you after a breakup? Does he ever think about you and will he ever come back? Does he regret dumping you?
If you are having such thoughts you are not alone, I have also been there. Hopefully, these 20 signs will give you comfort that he still loves you after a breakup, even if he has not confessed.
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Signs he still loves you after breakup
1. He still calls you
If after a breakup your ex still initiates communication and checks up on you, it is a good sign he still loves you.
His calls will be shorter or longer depending on how you respond to him.
Although he will not directly say that he still loves you, checking up on you is a sign that he still cares about you.
When a guy no longer loves you, he will not show concern for you.
2. He texts you
When your ex texts you, it is one of the signs he still loves you. He might text and say “hi, how are you” or “how was your day” and maybe even ask about a project that you were pursuing.
Sometimes he will forward you other people’s texts, but that is still a sign he’s kept your number and he thinks about you. Don’t ever think that he sent you the text in error or he sent it to all his contacts, he sent it intentionally because he still loves you.
3. He still wants to meet up with you
If your ex says he wants to see you, it is a sign he misses you and probably still loves you. It means that he wants you present in his life and does not want to completely let go of you.
4. He still takes your calls
When a guy is still keen on taking your calls even though you have broken up, it is a sign he still loves you.
And when he responds to your calls, he is not cold towards you. He always seems happy to hear from you.
And if he can’t take your call, he will call you back when he gets a chance.
If he no longer had feelings for you, he would ignore your calls, block you or tell you to move on.
5. He responds to your texts
Signs he still loves you after breakup is when he still responds to all your texts. When he does not ignore or bluetick you, it is a sign he still values you.
And if he is quick to respond to your texts, it is a sure sign he still has feelings for you.
He also initiates conversation and asks follow-up questions.
6. He still supports you and does favours for you
If you can still ask him for assistance and he agrees to help you, it is a sign he still loves you.
If he did not love you, he would not be willing to do any favours for you.
And when you are going through a difficult time, he still comes to support you.
7. He is jealous when he sees you with guys
Signs he still loves you after breakup is when he gets jealous when you entertain other men. If he can’t hide his jealousy from you, then he still has feelings for you.
After he sees you with a guy or sees a picture of you with someone else, he will comment on it either through call or text.
8. He tries to make you jealous

Signs a guy still loves you after a breakup is when he tries to make you jealous. He will try to show off to you.
When he gets into a new relationship, he will want you to know. He might post pictures of his new girl on social media or send them directly to you. He might even write posts about how much he loves her.
Sometimes he might “erroneously” send you a text meant for his girlfriend. Also, when he has bought a new car, he will come and show it off to you just so you think he is winning without you.
However, you want to be careful of such behaviour from your ex because it can be traits of a narcissist.
9. He likes your posts on social media
A clear sign he still loves you after breakup is when he has not yet unfollowed or deleted you from his social media. He still sees everything that you post and likes and comments on it.
If he no longer loved you, he would not be interested in knowing what you get up to.
10. He posts depressing posts on social media
Signs he still loves you after a breakup is when he has been posting depressing posts about love on his social media. He writes his own views or posts quotes, images, or memes.
11. He drunken calls you
When a guy still loves you, he might drunken call you late at night or in the early hours of the morning. He will tell you how much he misses you, how badly you have hurt him, and even tell you that you are his soulmate.
12. He still asks your friends about you
Signs your ex still loves you after a breakup is when he is still inquisitive about you and your love life.
He also does not distance himself from your family and friends because he is still hopeful and wants to find out information about you.
13. He seems happy to see you
When a guy likes you, he will glow when he sees you. So if your ex seems happy to bump into you, it is a sign he still loves you after the breakup.
The smile on his face will be priceless and he will try to keep the conversation going so that he spends more time with you.
14. He has not deleted your texts and images
Normally when people go through breakups, they delete images or texts that can remind them of the relationship.
If your ex has not deleted your images or posts on social media or even on their phone, it is a sign he still loves you after the breakup.
He is hoping that you will one day rekindle things and he, therefore, cannot risk deleting the memories.
15. He’s kept the things you gave to him
If your ex has kept some of the sentimental gifts that you got for him, including letters, belt, or a mug or other gifts, it is signs he still loves you after breakup.
You just want to be careful, some men use women for financial gain so they obviously won’t dispose of the things that make life easier for them.
16. He reminisces about the past
If he reminds you about past events, still sends you images of you or of the two of you, remembers special dates, it is a clear sign he loves you after breakup. If he’d completely moved on, he would not hold on to past memories.
17. He calls when he sees something that reminds him of you
If he sees something that reminds him of you, maybe a dress someone was wearing, or something another couple was doing or going to a place he went before with you, he will call and tell you that he is reminded of you.
18. He remembers smaller details about you
If he still remembers the finer details about you, the things that you like, what makes you laugh, inspirational words you said to him, your childhood memories, it is a sign he still loves you.
19. He remembers your birthday
If he still remembers your birthday, and texts you or calls you to wish you with birthday, it is a sign he still loves you.
Guys can be forgetful when it comes to important dates but if he still remembers yours, it means that you have a special place in his heart.
20. He’s told you he still loves you
What can be a clearer sign than someone telling you that he still loves you? If he’s already told you that he misses you and still loves you then it is a sign he still loves you after the breakup.
Secret signs your ex boyfriend still loves you

1. He spies on you
If your ex-boyfriend goes onto social media and spy on you or ask other people about you, it is signs he still loves you.
2. He is jealous when you with other men
He gets jealous when he sees that you have posted a picture with a guy or he sees other guys giving you attention.
3. He finds an excuse to talk to you
When your ex-boyfriend finds an excuse to talk to you it is a sign he still loves you. Sometimes he might ask you an obvious question or update you on what has been happening in his life.
4. He is quick to respond to your calls and texts
When you call him, he always answers your calls and seems eager to talk to you. And when you text him, he is quick to respond to you.
5. He is still not dating anyone
If months after breaking up with you he is still not dating anyone, it is a sign your ex-boyfriend is not over you and still loves you.
How do you know if you still love someone after a breakup?
1. You’re missing him so badly
You know you still love someone when you are missing him so bad. You even feel like calling him, but you restrict yourself because your pride does not allow you.
You’ll pray to receive his call, or wish you could just bump into him. At times you will even go on social media and spy on him, just to find out what he has been up to.
2. You’ve been in other relationships, but don’t feel fulfilled
After the breakup you have dated other people, but you feel like they do not match up to the level of that particular ex. You feel like you cannot love someone else the same way you loved your ex.
3. Many things around you remind you of them
When you hear a certain song you think of your ex, or when you go to a particular place it reminds of your ex, or when you are watching a certain movie you think of him or her. If so many things remind you of the good old days, then you are still in love with your ex.
4. You are jealous when you see them with someone else
When they post a picture of their new partner or you hear that they have moved on and it triggers the jealousy within you, it is a sign you still love your ex.
5. You still hope he comes back to you
If you are still hoping that your ex comes back to you, then it is a clear sign you still love him. And you know that if he can come back, you’ll even drop your current partner.
Or it is even difficult for you to date other people because you still want your ex.
Moving on from someone you love is not easy but it is doable.
6. You haven’t deleted images of him
If you still cannot delete his images from your phone or laptop, it is a sign you still love someone after a breakup. You are still hopeful that he will come back and you will work things out and live happily ever after.
What are the signs he will come back?

- He calls you often
- He texts you
- He is jealous when he sees you with other people
- He’s told you that he still loves you
- He’s told you he misses you
- He wants to meet up with you
- He is not dating anyone
- He’s told his friends he wants you back
- He gives you gifts
- He still remembers what you like
- He sends old pictures of you
You may also be interested in checking out these 9 signs your ex will never come back.
How do you know if your ex is still in love with you?
If your ex is still in love with you, he will try to reach out to you. He will either call you or text you and even suggest meeting up with you.
He will even open up to you about the way he feels about you. He might even apologize to you and give you gifts.
He might also work on his shortcomings to show how serious he is about you.
Read more: 13 signs he knows he messed up
How do you know if a guy is hurt after a breakup?
- He talks badly about you
- He calls you endlessly and wants another chance with you
- He blocks you and deletes all your images and posts
- He drinks too much or is into substance abuse
- He becomes a womanizer
- He does not want to see you or talk to you.
Read more: 13 Signs you really hurt him
Even if he still loves you, know that there is a good reason why you broke up. It is not all relationships that are meant to be given a second chance because no matter how much you can be in love, you might not be compatible.
Some guys also move on and get married but they never stop communicating with their exes.
You want to be careful not to put your life on hold for someone who has already moved on and only just wants you for your body. Also don’t ignore these 25 warning signs he never loved you.