Making a morning prayer for family and friends is a powerful habit that can yield great results for you and your loved ones.
Begin your day with gratitude and prayer, and see what happens.
James 5:16 says, “Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”
There is something about the morning. That is why you find people pray in the morning, and even exercise in the morning.
Psalms 5:3 says, “In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.”
Psalms 143:8 says, “Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.”
This means that a morning prayer for family and friends can give one direction. And the morning prayer can determine how someone’s day unfolds. It also gives one the strength to overcome the day’s challenges.
Read more: 38 Thankful bible verse about family happiness
Table of Contents
- Morning Prayer For My Family And Friends
- Morning Prayer For Family And Friends Protection
- Monday Morning Prayer For Family And Friends
- Tuesday Morning Prayer For Family And Friends
- Wednesday Morning Prayer For Family And Friends
- Thursday Morning Prayer For My Family And Friends
- Friday Morning Prayer For My Family And Friends
- Saturday Morning Prayer For My Family And Friends
- Sunday Morning Prayer For My Family And Friends
- Short Morning Prayer For Family And Friends
- Lovely Good Morning Prayer Messages For My Friend
- Good Morning Prayer Message For My Lovely Sister
- Morning Prayer For Someone Special
Morning Prayer For My Family And Friends

#1. Lord, I pray that you pour your fresh mercies over my family and friends today. Lamentations 3:22-23 says, “the steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; your mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
#2. God, I pray that you bless my family and friends. Grant them your strength and courage. May they fear nothing and never look down on themselves, amen.
#3. Father, I pray for my loved ones. Heal those that are sick today, give strength to those that are weak, and hope to the hopeless. May you give them many reasons to smile. Amen.
#4. Heavenly Father, I pray for my family and friends. Protect them and bless the work of their hands. May they find favor in all they do. Amen.
#5. Lord, this morning, bless my family and friends with great health, joy, peace, protection, prosperity and purpose. Draw them closer to you and their calling. May they discover their purpose in life. Amen
Read more: Good Morning Have A Blessed Day Quotes, Messages & Bible Verses
Morning Prayer For Family And Friends Protection

#6. Heavenly Father, I pray for my family and friends. Be their shield, their protector, and keep them safe from harm. Amen.
#7. Lord, as this day begins, I pray for my family and friends’ protection. Watch over their lives, and keep them from all harm. Watch over their coming and going, both now and forevermore. Amen.
#8. God our keeper, our shepherd, may you place your hand over my family and friends so that they may be protected and covered at all times. May they also enjoy good health and happiness. Amen.
#9. Lord, I pray for my loved ones this morning. May you protect all of them wherever they go. I bind the spirit of accidents or ill health. May your divine protection be upon them 24/7, amen.
#10. Thank you for the gift of life. Thank you for the life of my family and friends. May you continue to bless and protect us. May we live long together being safe under the shadow of your wings. Amen.
Read more: 50 Powerful bible verse for family protection
Monday Morning Prayer For Family And Friends

#11. I thank you, Lord, for blessing me with the gift of family and friends. May you preserve them. May you also bless their entire week. Amen.
#12. On this beautiful Monday morning, I bring my family and friends before your throne. May you guide them and order their steps. Give them your wisdom and a discerning heart so that they make the right choices. And may nothing be too hard for them in this new week. Amen.
#13. God, I pray that you wrap my family and friends in your loving arms. May they feel your warmth and may they always know that you are always with them. Amen.
#14. Lord I thank you for another week. I pray for your grace and mercy over my family and friends as we begin the new week. May we be blessed coming in and going out. May we excel in all that we do and may your favor rest on us. Amen.
#15. May God’s face shine over you as you start your working day, and may you create pleasant memories and capture the lessons.
Tuesday Morning Prayer For Family And Friends

#16. I bring my family and friends before you Lord this Tuesday morning. Bless their entire day and may nothing be impossible for them. May they succeed in everything they put their mind to.
#17. Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of family and friendship. Give them this day their daily bread and deliver them from evil.
#18. Lord, I look up to you on this beautiful Tuesday morning. Look favourably over my family and friends. Cause your face to shine on them always.
#19. God, I pray for my family and friends, may they be well physically, mentally, spiritually, financially and in every way.
#20. Lord, I pray for my loved ones. May you strengthen them in every way, and may they never lose heart. May they always look up to you for any challenge that they may encounter. And may you come through for them.
Wednesday Morning Prayer For Family And Friends

#21. Lord I thank you that I’m alive this Wednesday morning. I pray that you bless my family and friends. May they never lack anything good. Fill up any void within them and grant them a solution to all their problems.
#22. This Wednesday, I dedicate my friends and family to you Lord. Touch every area of their lives and set them free where they need deliverance.
#23. I pray for my family and friends. Whatever they are battling, whether addiction, depression, low self-esteem, grief, or unforgiveness, give them complete victory. I thank you Lord because you hear our prayers.
#24. Lord open the eyes of my loved ones so that they may see what you want them to see. And their spiritual ears so that they may hear from you and begin to walk in the right path.
#25. Lord on this Wednesday morning, we give it all to you. We lay our lives, petitions, and troubles before you. May you be gracious to my family and friends so that in due time, we may be rewarded.
Thursday Morning Prayer For My Family And Friends

#26. On this throwback Thursday, may you remind my family and friends of your faithfulness and goodness. May you satisfy them with your everlasting love.
#27. As we continue to walk this journey of life, may you continue to order our steps. Grant us your wisdom and knowledge and a discerning heart.
#28. Lord, I pray for blessings over my family and friends. May they experience your peace, joy, love, good health, and success. Turn their NOs into YES.
#29. On this Thursday, bless my loved ones with good gifts. May life no longer be a struggle for them and may they prosper in everything they do.
#30. Lord, I pray for my family and friends. May you restore everything that they have lost and multiply their blessings.
Friday Morning Prayer For My Family And Friends

#31. Lord, I thank you for Friday. As the weekend begins, I pray that you may begin to perform your great work over my family and friends. May they be the people that you want them to be.
#32. I pray over my friends and family this Friday. May you finally grant them rest. May they enter into a season of rest. For your word says, come to me all you who are weary and I will give you rest.
#33. Heavenly father, grant my loved ones your serenity. May they come to know that you are the good shepherd and when they are with you, they shall not want.
#34. God, may you bless my family and friends as the weekend begins. May they be preserved and protected against all harm. May life, love, and laughter be their portion.
#35. Lord, I pray for the relationships of my loved ones. May there be peace, reconciliation, and restoration. Bless their Friday and their entire weekend.
Saturday Morning Prayer For My Family And Friends
#36. Lord, I thank you that we are here this Saturday. I pray that you cover my family and friends. Be with them wherever they will step into and protect them from harm.
#37. Lord, I pray for my family and friends. May you bless them and lead them not into temptation, but deliver them from all evil.
#38. This Saturday Lord, may you hold my friends and family with your righteous right hand and block anything that might try to come and disturb their peace.
#39. Lord thank you for the weekend. May you end anything in the lives of my family and friends which is stealing their joy. For your word says you will wipe away their tears and they will remember their shame no more.
#40. Lord, I pray that you shower my loved ones with your mercy, goodness, peace, and prosperity forevermore, amen.
Sunday Morning Prayer For My Family And Friends
#41. Lord thank you for this beautiful Sunday morning. I also thank you for protecting my family and friends the entire week. We invite you to continue to bless us in the new week. Amen.
#42. Lord, do not withhold your rain of blessings over our family. When we ask may it be given to us. When we seek may we find, when we knock may the door be opened. May this be the season of breakthrough in the lives of our loved ones.
#43. Lord may you remember my family and friends. May you answer their prayers and give them healing, long life, and success.
#44. Lord, I pray for unity, love and wisdom over my family. I know that with God nothing is impossible.
#45. Lord perform a miracle over the lives of my family and friends and may their entire week be blessed.
Short Morning Prayer For Family And Friends
#46. Lord, please shine your face over my family and friends today.
#47. Lord, cause my family and friends to find favor in all they do.
#48. Lord protect all my family and friends and grant them success.
#49. God, pour your blessings over my loved ones and bless the work of their hands.
#50. I pray that my family and friends enjoy good health and long life.
Lovely Good Morning Prayer Messages For My Friend
#51. Good morning my friend. May this day bring you joy. May God fulfil your heart’s desires and give you peace.
#52. Good morning my lovely friend. May God bless the work of your hands and multiply your wisdom, favor and blessings.
#53. I pray to God to give you success in all that you do. May the journey be smooth for you. Have a blessed day my friend.
#54. May the God of love bring love your way. May he calm every storm that you are experiencing and fill you with hope.
#55. May you dwell in God’s rest because there is peace, life, health, success and everything that you still desire.
Good Morning Prayer Message For My Lovely Sister
#56. Good morning my lovely sister. May God cause His face to shine on you and look upon you favorably. Have a blessed day.
#57. My sister, always know that God’s plan is to prosper you and not to harm you, to give hope and a future. May you continue to hold on until his plan comes to life. Have a blessed morning.
#58. God is still going to cause all things to work together for your good because you are His child and He loves you. May God perform a miracle and grant you the desires of your heart.
#59. My sister, always remember that I love you, but God loves you more. And He will perfect everything concerning you. Have a fabulous day.
#60. My sister, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. May God be your strength as you begin this day.
Morning Prayer For Someone Special
#61. As I start this morning, I’m grateful for this special person in my life. I ask that you watch over them today and keep them safe from harm. Grant them the strength and courage to face any challenges that come their way. May they find peace and comfort in your presence and know that they are never alone. Amen.
#62. Lord, I pray for this special person in my life. May they find joy and happiness in all that they do, and may you grant them success.
Final thoughts
Go ahead and make these prayers for your loved ones. You can even be specific and mention them by name. And I know that God will use you to be the answer to their prayers. And don’t forget to share these prayers.