Being ignored by someone you love is the worst kind of feeling. You’ve tried all means to reach out to him but to no avail. You have called him, texted him, and even met with him but he still ignored you. Sometimes you might even convince yourself that he is not worth fighting for, but you still want him in your life. This article provides you with practical tips on how to get his attention when he ignores you.
Table of Contents
- How to get his attention when he ignores you
- How to get his attention when he ignores you even after implementing these steps
- How do you make a guy regret ignoring you
- What to do when he ignores you
- How do you attract a man who is ignoring you
- What does it mean when a guy ignores you
- How to get his attention when he ignores you over text
- How to get his attention and get him to chase you
- How to get his attention back from another woman
- How to get his attention when he ignores you online
- How to ignore a guy over text
How to get his attention when he ignores you
1. Stop calling and texting him
If you have already left three missed calls, then you want to stop calling and implement the below steps. Or if you have already sent three texts or even tried to get his attention on social media but still no response, then you want to pause it.
You do not want to seem too desperate or seem like you are a pysho, because that won’t get his attention.
2. Figure out why he is ignoring you
It is important to figure out the real reasons why this guy is suddenly ignoring you. Check if any of the below events happened before he started ignoring you:
- Was there an argument before the silent treatment?
- Is he angry over something that you did or did not do?
- Did you say any words that could have offended him?
- Did you accuse him of something?
- Was he stressed about work, finances, family issues or even other things?
If one of these events triggered the silent treatment, do you think it is justifiable or do you think that there is more to it?
You may want to think of the situation from his point of view, your point of view, and a central point of view. Sometimes you might have to narrate it to someone who will give you an objective view.
After doing the assessment, does it make sense as to why he is ignoring you? Or you are being ignored out of the blue since there is nothing that you did to upset him?
3. What to say to someone who ignores you
When a guy is ignoring you, it is better to talk to him in person than over the phone. In person, you are able to have physical touch and say words like “babe, I don’t like this tension between us” in a soft voice.
However, sometimes it might not be possible since you are miles apart. But these are some of the words you can say depending on your circumstance:
1. If you have made him angry say this:
“I’m sorry babe if I have upset you, it was not my intention to hurt you.”
“I’m sad we are not talking right now and would love to fix things.”
2. Say this if you do not know why he is ignoring you:
“Are you fine? I am really worried about you. Did I do something wrong?”
3. If he is stressed about other things, you can say this:
“I’m here for you whenever you want to talk”
4. Or you can start a conversation that is not related to the situation.
“So this thing happened today…”
5. And if you are still not getting a response, say this:
“I’m sorry and I’ll respect your space”
4. Listen to what he has to say
If you get a response after reaching out to him, then give them a chance to talk without interrupting him or belittling his feelings. Even if you feel like he is wrong, do not argue with him.
5. Share your feelings
Acknowledge his feelings and let him know that you have heard him and it was never your intention to make him feel the way that he is feeling.
Politely tell him your reasoning and feelings because this might be the only chance that you get to discuss that particular issue. It is also important for him to know so that he can also see things from your perspective.
Also, remember that other people are manipulative, so he might ignore you hoping to always get his way in a relationship. So sharing your feelings helps him understand why you could not do what he asked for.
6. Apologize
Say I am sorry, ask for his forgiveness and commit that you will try to communicate better next time. Apologizing does not mean that you will agree to his demands, it just means that you are sorry for the unintended pain that you have caused.
7. Communicate your expectations
If you do not like that your partner always ignores you after a conflict or every time when he is stressed, address the matter when the mood is right. Tell him that you care so much about him and he should not be scared to open up to you about his feelings. Also, tell him about the psychological effects of being ignored.
8. You can get a third party to intervene
If he still ignores you, you can get an objective person to intervene, a third party can help reach out to him. You can get a mutual friend, pastor, therapist etc.
Involving a third party who will not be biased can help you see things from another perspective and even help you deal with the root cause so that you do not keep going in circles.
How to get his attention when he ignores you even after implementing these steps
Sometimes your efforts might not work because he may be trying to find grounds to break up with you. Or he just wants to manipulate you and gets angry when he does not feel in control.
If you follow the below steps, he will come back begging for your attention:
1. Do not blame yourself.
If you have already tried reaching out to him but he still does not give you attention, don’t blame yourself. If you blame yourself you will always try to reach out to him and he might resort to blocking you.
2. Look pretty
Put on some makeup, dress nicely, go out and post pictures of yourself. If he sees how you glow when he is no longer in your life, he will reconsider his actions.
3. Find a distraction
You need to find something that will keep you occupied so that you are not constantly thinking about him. Find a hobby; you can even start a blog that makes money and here is a step-by-step guide on how to start a blog.
4. Advance yourself
If you can upgrade yourself, finish your studies, find a job, you will become more attractive. And you won’t only be attractive to him but other people.
5. Spend time with friends and family
Spend time with your friends and family, this will help you keep busy.
How do you make a guy regret ignoring you

1. Commit that you will ignore him until certain conditions have been met
Make a firm commitment to yourself that you will ignore him until certain conditions have been met. Ignoring someone you love is not easy but you will have to stick to the plan if you want him to also feel the effects of ignoring you.
2. Don’t show him affection
If he tells you that he loves you or misses you, just say ok. Don’t be quick to tell him what he wants to hear because you are still punishing him for ignoring you.
3. Ignore his texts
If he texts you, do not be too quick to respond. And it should not be all the messages that you respond to. However, you need to use the delay tactic rather than ignoring them completely because if you repeatedly ignore his texts, it can be interpreted as a sign that you are not interested in him.
4. Don’t be too quick to answer his calls
When he calls you, don’t be too quick to answer. You should let some of the calls be missed calls and then you text him later and apologize for missing his calls and say that you were busy.
5. Ignore him on social media
When he posts something on his feed or status, do not like or comment; just act like you never saw it.
6. Don’t always be available for him
When he suggests meeting up with you, tell him that you are unavailable. But the next time he suggests that you should meet up, you should agree, but it should be on your terms.
Make it seem like you have a very hectic schedule and you are trying to do him a favor by making time for him.
7. Live your life
You should have activities and people that keep your life busy. Pursue a hobby, further your schooling, and look your best. Also, surround yourself with family and friends.
If possible, also have male friends because their presence can work in your favor. It will make him think that he should act fast since there are other guys who also want you.
8. Don’t get physical
If you really want to make him regret ignoring you, you must not get physical. When he feels like he cannot have you, that is when he will want you even more.
This means that you should not let him touch you, kiss you or even sleep with him until you have the upper hand in the relationship.
9. Keep your distance
You will have to keep your distance. If he does not see you for some time, he will be concerned and want to know what’s up.
If you are attending the same event, avoid seating at the same table as him. Be in the company of other people, and do not sit next to him.
What to do when he ignores you
When he ignores you, don’t do anything. If after showing care and concern he still maintains his silence, then you have to act like you do not care about him. If he sees that you seem to be fine without him, he will miss you and starts to chase you.
Read more: How to deal with being ignored by someone you love
How do you attract a man who is ignoring you

1. Flash a smile at him
If he sees that you are smiling at him, he might blush a little and even wave at you
2. Make eye contact at him
You can make eye contact from across the room, quickly raise your eyebrows for a split second before lowering them back down. If he sees that you are looking at him, he will start to behave strangely. He will be more conscious of himself, his looks because he knows that he is being eyed. And he might even come and greet you.
3. Wear something red
This can be a red dress, or accessory or even lipstick. Studies show that guys are more attracted to you in this bright color.
4. Wear a subtle perfume with a great smell
Choosing a unique scent helps him remember you whenever he smells it.
5. Accidentally brush into him
A subtle touch lets a guy know you’re into him. Try to make it seem like you weren’t trying to touch him on purpose. And this might trigger a conversation.
6. Hang out with other people
He’ll find you more attractive when you are surrounded by a group of friends, studies reveal. If the guy sees you in a small group whether it is with males or females, there’s a good chance he’ll be more attracted to you than if you were alone.
7. Compliment him
Another way to get his attention is by complimenting him. Tell him that you like the shirt that he is wearing, or the scent of his perfume. If you do this it will boost his ego and it will make him want to give you attention.
What does it mean when a guy ignores you
When a guy purposely ignores you, it means that:
- He’s upset with you and needs you to give him space
- He’s hurt by your actions
- He is trying to manipulate you
- He wants to avoid talking about a certain issue that you have raised
- He wants you to miss him
- He is losing interest in the relationship
- He feels like the relationship is moving too fast
- He is stressed
- He’s just trying to get your attention
How to get his attention when he ignores you over text
1. Send him these words
Text him these words “If you ever need to talk I’m here. But until then, I think it is best if I give you some space”
2. Act like you don’t care
If after you have told him that you will give him space he still continues ignoring you, then please stay silent. Do not text him or call him. Don’t even comment on any of his posts.
If he sees that you have become too quiet, he will begin to miss the attention that he was getting from you.
3. Don’t respond right away
When he sends you a text, don’t be too quick to respond. Reply to his text after a couple of hours.
4. Don’t be available right away
When he says he wants to meet you, tell him that it won’t be possible, you are very busy.
5. Post a happier version of yourself on social media
Post positive things on your status on social media. Post a recent image of yourself where you look beautiful with nice hair, makeup, or even with heels. And post a caption that says, “had a great time today”. This will make him wonder who you went out with and he will become jealous and even comment or text you.
How to get his attention and get him to chase you
If you want to get his attention and get him to chase you, you will have to be highly confident and dress in bright colors.
Compliment him when you can and sometimes flash him a smile. If a guy sees that you notice him, he will start to notice you. And when you start to act ignore him and no longer give him attention, that is when he will start to chase you.
How to get his attention back from another woman

If a man has left you for another woman, and he no longer takes your calls or even responds to texts, do this to win him back:
1. Stop doing this!
- Don’t be that bitter ex who calls his other woman
- Don’t go to places where there is a high chance of seeing him
- Stop calling him
- Stop texting him
- Don’t forward him anything, not even a meme
- Stop spying on him
2. Pretend like you are not hurt by the breakup
This means that you should not post any heartbroken or pessimistic statuses on social media.
3. Portray yourself being happy on social media
Act like you have moved on. If he sees that you are happy without him, he will want you again.
4. Look beautiful
If you had neglected your image while you were in the relationship, work on it. Head to the gym, wear nice clothes that suit your figure and put on makeup.
5. Discover your purpose
If you are not sure what your purpose is, now it’s time to discover it. Do different activities and join different organizations until you find the one that fulfills you.
Once you find you are fulfilled, you might even realize that he does not even deserve your love.
6. Be independent
Find ways to make your own money, create your own happiness and not depend on a man. If he sees that you are successful and thriving without him, he will even be more attracted to you.
7. Love yourself
Loving yourself means prioritizing yourself, believing in yourself, and not caring about what anyone thinks of you.
This means that you will have to get rid of those negative thoughts that whisper to you that “you are not good enough, no wonder he left you.”
Once he sees that you seem to be complete without him, that is when he will come crying to you. But after doing this exercise, you might not even want him back in your life because you will notice that he was holding you back from a great life.
How to get his attention when he ignores you online
If he is ignoring you online, you will also have to ignore him. Even if you can both be online at the same time, don’t say anything to him. Be active on social media, post amazing images of yourself or post yourself with your guy friend, and soon he will comment.
How to ignore a guy over text
1. Don’t respond to his texts
If you want to successfully ignore a guy over texts it means not responding to any of his texts.
2. Don’t initiate conversation
Don’t be the first person to send him a text, even if you feel like you are missing him.
3. Don’t reply to his texts timeously
Another way to subtle ignore him is by delaying responding to his texts. So if he sends you something, only respond over an hour later.
4. Send vague responses
If he texts and says he loves you, you can just say thank you or okay but do not give him the response that he wants to hear.
5. Seem busy
Act like you have been very busy that is why you could not respond to him timely. And when he requests to meet up with you, tell him that it will not be possible.
6. Don’t respond to some of his texts
It is not all his texts that you should reply to or entertain. Some texts just bluetick them and reply to the next one he sends.
Read more: How to ignore someone you love